Monday, June 2, 2008


How sad that only 550 people signed the petition for Hilton Hotels not to host a Jewish hate fest. Al Awda not only is anti-Semitic, but also praises the killing of our US soldiers in Iraq. Spinelss..spinless..spineless. On a good note, apparently Al Awda's event was not exactly the big to do they intended. Ah, well, theres always next year. Nevertheless,w e are confident that Hilton will think twice before having them back. Anti-Semitic hotelo director Dominic Acolino should be ashamed of himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what kind of drug are you on ,if not I think you should starts taking prozac.Hamas won the election under the supervision of the US but Israel never been interested in peace they refused to deal with them and off course the US succumbed to israeli pressure.It is a big shame to see the most powerful nation on earth becomes an israeli colony