The renamed International Solidarity Movement (Palsolidarity in the US), now known as the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation has announced its new leader in
Washington D.C. is one Anna Baltzer.
I've written about Anna Baltzer before. She's a very pretty woman of half-Jewish ancestry--and a total whore for Arab fascists and anti-Semites who masquerade as "peace activists" and "human rights workers", but who really work for the end of Israel and the annihilation of the world's Jews by doing human shield work for terrorist groups.
Anna knows what she is; while appearing on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show she was asked by the host if she believed Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state-she did not reply--no doubt because her benefactor, Arab Jew-hater and PLO embezzler Mustapha Barghouti wouldn't like it. He accompanied Anna on the show.
Anna spoke before a Presbyterian Church crowd in Berkeley in August of 2007 once where she gave the audience a bullshit story of an Arab woman who lost twins while she was in labor at a checkpoint because Israeli soldiers wouldn't let her go to the hospital. "They said they were just following orders," claimed Anna Banana, the ISM bimbo, as she tried to present the IDF as a bunch of Nazis. What the hell, it's an easy way to make a living and get free travel when you have no principals and want to be treated like a prize cow.
Anna claims her grandparents are Holocaust survivors. I'd like to know who they are
and what camp they allgedly were in. This pretty, but stupid, woman sees no problem in lying to try and de-legitimize Israel and has even tacitly excused violence against Israelis with the pat training line of the ISM: "If someone invaded your home wouldn't you pick up a lamp or something to hit them with in self-defense?" She shows
a photo next of an Arab child throwing rocks at IDF soldiers. This woman is a dirtbag.
OK, so Anna has a neat new job. She can make speeches, recount propaganda and lies for the Arabs, even call herself an author of a book Eyewitness Palestine with stories she did not eyewitness but were told her by ISM aparatchicks (like the lost twins story). Who cares about being Jewish? Who cares about the Arabs setting up another Shariah law state? Who cares about the truth? Anna "Bimbo" Baltzer has found a neato sinecure among the biggest totalitarians in the world.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
You can view the interview outside the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem
that I had on Sunday here: . There
were two other interviews on Israeli TV that should appear shortly. The main message
is the need for Israel to finally prosecute and punish at least the Israeli traitors
in the ISM who help to injure Israeli soldiers and border police. There is also a message for President Obama: Stop aiding the flotillas then blaming Israel for protecting itself.
One error on the A7 interview, my foundation is not I understand they are correcting this error. If you are Israeli and reading this,
be sure to write the PM's office as well as members of the Knesset to start prosecuting Huwaida Arraf the next time she brings another flotilla of radicals
to aid Hamas. She belongs in jail as does Paul LaRudee in the United States.
The wheels of justice grind slowly, but ultimately the ISM's leadership will find themselves in jail.
that I had on Sunday here: . There
were two other interviews on Israeli TV that should appear shortly. The main message
is the need for Israel to finally prosecute and punish at least the Israeli traitors
in the ISM who help to injure Israeli soldiers and border police. There is also a message for President Obama: Stop aiding the flotillas then blaming Israel for protecting itself.
One error on the A7 interview, my foundation is not I understand they are correcting this error. If you are Israeli and reading this,
be sure to write the PM's office as well as members of the Knesset to start prosecuting Huwaida Arraf the next time she brings another flotilla of radicals
to aid Hamas. She belongs in jail as does Paul LaRudee in the United States.
The wheels of justice grind slowly, but ultimately the ISM's leadership will find themselves in jail.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Article by Toby Greenwald from an interview with Lee Kaplan in Israel
Is the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) composed of non-violent peace activists or supporters of terrorism?
The answer is clear to Lee Kaplan, investigative journalist, Senior Intelligence Analyst and Communications Director for the Northeast Intelligence Network, who is currently in Israel to consult to the Israeli Justice Department on the involvement of the ISM in the cases of the flotilla and Rachel Corrie. The trial has already determined that Rachel Corrie was not protecting a house as earlier claimed. Cindy Corrie, Rachel’s mother, is still claiming her daughter also served as a human shield to “protect” Palestinian water wells and municipal water workers from the IDF. Kaplan says those wells were in fact weapons smuggling tunnels and those workers were Hamas terrorists. Corrie, he says, was trying to help kill IDF soldiers as well as civilians in Israel.
Kaplan began his examination of the ISM seven years ago. He monitors their activities and fundraising and tries to alert both the American and Israeli governments to their activities in advance, he says, “to save Israel problems.” Both U.S. and Israeli security officials have used his reports to undertake legal action against ISM activists in Israel and the United States.
According to Kaplan, the ISM has consistently shown itself to be on the side of terrorist movements that prolong the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and prevent peace. At the same time, he says, Israel ’s fear of creating international incidents has prevented her from cracking down on foreign nationals who are trained to work in solidarity with Arab terror groups.
Kaplan cites sources statements made by ISM leaders at national conferences in the US and even a letter to the Washington Post in which ISM leaders such as Huwaida Arraf and Paul LaRudee, both well known ISM leaders, have openly stated they work with Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and even Hezbollah. This new effort on the part of the ISM, says Kaplan, is being organized to deliberately help the Hamas terrorist regime recruit more ISM activists again for Gaza to break Israeli control of seaports that can be used to smuggle weapons and terrorists into Gaza.
Kaplan says, “The ISM poses a greater threat to Israel ’s existence than the armed terrorists do. It is funded by Saudi Arabia, the PLO, Hamas, organized originally by the PFLP. They are the revolutionary communist party wing of the PLO and the ISM follows that line. This is one reason that they’re aligned with communist and anarchist groups in the US and Europe, for example, International ANSWER or its parent, the International Socialist Organization that calls for a violent overthrow of the US governmentto create a dictatorshop of the proletariat. They march in support of Hamas and all the terrorist groups, like Columbia’s FARC, and others. They are in close contact with all the terrorist groups in the US too.” He refers one to his website:
Improbable activist
Kaplan’s revelations about the movement and how they train volunteers to be supportive of terrorists are chilling. And how Kaplan fell into this role is a story of its own. In his youth, he worked out of college as a writer and editor, eventually becoming the owner of a successful jewelry business, one of whose stores was located on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley.
The change in his life occurred as he watched the growing presence of Hamas and similar groups on campus. But the watershed came in 2003 when, “I had gone over to the campus to participate in the Holocaust Day memorial ceremony. I was wearing a jacket with an Israeli flag on the back and reciting the names of the dead, and a young woman, from the Hillel organization, came over to me and asked me to not participate in the Yizkor service because of my Israeli flag jacket.
‘I asked her if she was joking and she said that it offended the ‘Jews for Palestine’ and pointed over to Sproul Plaza, the campus commons, where that group was having a demonstration for the Students for Justice in Palestine, targeted against Israel. I noticed that on the Pro-Palestinian side they had megaphones and signs and all kinds of displays and on the Jewish side they had nothing. I said to the pro-Israel demonstrators, ‘Doesn’t Hillel provide you any kind of support?’ and they said that Hillel didn’t give them any help at all. ‘I’ve got some money,’ I told them, because I had just sold my business.’I’m going to help you fight back.’
It was then that he created DAFKA ( ). It is, he says, “A perfect name. It’s an acronym for ‘Defending American for Knowledge in Action’ but it also means, in Hebrew, ‘in your face’ and ‘in spite of everything’.”
“It also refers to the time manna fell from heaven and saved the Jews when they were their most desperate, a most fitting name.”
“We were enormously effective,” says Kaplan. “We had Jewish students coming up and crying and thanking us for being there. We screened videos by the PLO and Palestinian television. The Muslim and Palestinian students would rant and rave and we’d say, ‘Show us one thing on the table not from your media,’ and they had nothing to say. One woman came up wearing a chador and she screamed, ‘You’re prejudiced against the Muslim people, and I’m going to complain,’ and I told her, ‘Take everything on the table into the office and complain’ and she did, and I didn’t hear anything after that because it was all from their own media.”
But Kaplan says, “We did not have as many problems with the Arab students as we did with the Jews.” DAFKA and the ZOA were voted out of theHillel Jewish student union because of leftists within conspiring against them and radicals of Jewish descent who really were helping the Palestinian group. “When they held the vote to vote us out, they didn’t notify us so our student leader did not attend, so it was a kangaroo court.”
Kaplan became immersed in investigative journalism, including working for Front Page Magazine, and he was hired by its editor, David Horowitz, as a campus organizer for Students for Academic Freedom. While he worked for that foundation, he began doing research on anti-Israel activism on the campus and on Middle East studies abuses on the part of the faculty, and on the part of campus organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine.
A fly on the wall of ISM training
“While working freelance, I wrote an article called ‘Solidarity with Terror’, published in 2004,” says Kaplan. “I had found out that was having a training session on going to Israel. I was already identified as a pro-Israel activist, but when I was in my 20’s I had been an actor in film and TV, so I dyed my hair and eyebrows and colored my skin and made myself up to be a Pakistani and I went to the meeting.”
Kaplan infiltrated an ISM training session - the same sort of training that Rachel Corrie underwent -- and has the printed training manual to prove his points. At the ISM, he says, they were given instruction on how to falsify documents, how to lie to Israeli officials, and how to violate Israeli law by deceiving border guards about the nature of their visit, their destinations inside Israel, their identities and more. “Everything we were instructed to do in the course of our training while we were in Israel would involve some form of breaking Israeli law,” he says. Furthermore, he says, the ISM training manuals contain articles by radical groups including War Resisters League, Act Up, Direct Action and several “anti-global” organizations all that promote revolutionary violence and adhere to the concept of “by any means necessary” as voiced by Malcolm X which means violence.
ISM Complicity with Terror
The ISM website is filled with expressions such as “legitimate resistance” or support for “legitimate armed struggle as well as this ISM motto “by any means necessary.”
However, says Kaplan, documented ISM complicity with terrorism and cooperation with terrorists has included from all major newswires:
· Hiding terrorists such as Shadi Sukiya, arrested in an ISM office in the West Bank.
· Hiding of an arms cache that was also found in an ISM office
· Facilitating the entry to Israel of suicide bombers who gained entry for their murderous agendas under the auspices of the ISM. These Pakistani Muslims from Great Britain entered Israel through Jordan as clients of the Alternative Tourism Group, an operation set up by Andoni to aid ISM volunteers coming to Israel. They then met with the ISM at their offices for an entire day in Gaza before proceeding on to Tel Aviv where they bombed a popular beach bar, Mike’s Place, killing three people.
· According to ISM founder Adam Shapiro, the ISM has Palestinian “handlers,” or undercover supervisors at all demonstrations against Israel. These supervisors direct attacks against the West Bank security fence and IDF soldiers. One of the handlers is Hisham Jamjoun, a member of the PLFP who also manages the Faisal Youth Hostel in Jerusalem. “That’s ISM Central according to ISMer Joseph Carr who maintains he was with Corrie when she died. I wrote about the Hostel in my article ‘The ISM-Terror Connection,” he says. See:
· ISM leaders speak openly of their desire to bring about the demise of the State of Israel in favor of a Palestinian State from the river to the sea. Yet ISM officials and volunteers have been photographed in the company of known terrorists, sometimes holding AK- 47 assault rifles. Some volunteers disguise themselves as Jews living in the West Bank. See:
Rachel Corrie
On March 16, 2003, 23-year-old Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington, was killed by an IDF bulldozer. As a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement, Rachel was in Gaza supposedly opposing the bulldozing of Palestinian homes by the Israeli army. The ISM released photos showing Corrie in clear view of a bulldozer, then a second photograph reported to have been taken moments later with Rachel having been killed.
However, a careful examination of the photos showed that the scenes were staged with different tractors and at different times. See:
One photo with a superimposed tractor in the foreground and Corrie superimposed with another ISM activist in front of a “doctor’s house,” when enlarged, not only revealed the superimposition techniques, but that the ISM (or ISMer Joe Carr and others who doctored the photos) left off the feet of the two ISM activists.
ISM and Palestinian sources claim that the home Rachel Corrie was trying to save belonged to a Palestinian doctor and his family.
Rachel Corrie wrote the following in emails home to her mother who is now suing the IDFl in a wrongful death suit, indicating that she knew that the Palestinians she was supporting were using violence: "Think about the relative positions of the fighters and occupiers in this monumentally unequal struggle.... the few young fighters have NOTHING BUT THEIR WEAPON (and this not the most modern) - no helmet, bullet proof vest, radio contact or other protection. No back-up, no plane, helicopter, tank, APC, searchlight, dogs, flares, ambulance or refuge... every time the Israeli Command terrorizes Nablus, more Martyrs are ready to defend the honour of Palestine and fight for the freedom of surely the most gentle, generous and peaceful people on earth." ( New Zealand Herald, 10 February 2003) [ ]
"The internationals recognized symbols and banners from numerous school and community-groups, Fatah, DFLP, FIDA, PFLP, Hamas and many individual demonstrators among those marching" (private email admitting that Corrie’s gang was involved in bringing out bodies from smuggling tunnels in an ISM media report).
According to Kaplan, one ISM activist, Joe Carr, while employed by Christian Peacemaker Teams in Rafah said the following on the death of Rachel Corrie in an interview in a Washington State newspaper, The Stranger:
“The spirit that she died for is worth a life. This idea of resistance, this spirit of resisting this brutal occupying force, is worth anything. And many, many, many Palestinians give their lives for it all the time. So the life of one international, I feel, is more than worth the spirit of resisting oppression.”
Another quote was made by an ISM co-founder from the Alternative Information Center who also operates an office in Pasadena, California to recruit “tourists” for the ISM (the Mike’s Place bombers entered the country as “Alternative Tourists.”
"If some of these foreign volunteers get shot or even killed, then the international media will sit up and take notice." - George Rishmawi, Director of the Solidarity Movement.
"Her death serves me more than it served her. Her death will bring more
attention than the other 2,000 martyrs." - quoted by Hamas member in The Stranger at Corrie’s mock funeral in Gaza as a “martyr.”
ISM Training: Be ready for Violence
Kaplan says, “At an ISM training session, I asked ISM trainer Brian Molvany, ‘But what if we see kids throwing stones at tanks or putting themselves in danger. Shouldn’t we tell them not to and urge them to stay away? Molvany responded, ‘We can’t tell kids not to throw stones!’ Obviously the same rule applied to suicide bombers as we were advised that we might be used as human shields inside houses slated for demolition by the Israeli army because they were used as bomb making factories.
“Later, trainer Mary Erwin told me that our allies from the Israeli anarchist and communist movements were ready to lie to the border guards on our behalf to verify false stories given in order to get the ISM volunteers into Israel".
“Not once all day, in any way, did members of our group - trainers or trainees - express a negative word about suicide bombings, or the shooting of women and children by Palestinian terrorists. But we were told repeatedly not to tell the Palestinians how to ‘resist.’
“At the conclusion of our session, Jamie used her training as a social worker to prepare us to deal with long term trauma once we returned to the Bay Area. I thought it was an interesting lesson for people going to the Middle East to engage in ‘nonviolent’ activities for peace. ‘Be ready for lots of violence,’ she said.
ISM volunteers at that meeting included:
-Arlene, a 62-year-old Jewish woman from Oakland. She expressed grief for the Israeli execution of Sheik Yassin, the former head of Hamas who was responsible for the murders of over 350 people inside Israel. She spoke of sabotaging IDF army vehicles and how she entered Israel once to help hewr enemies by using her parents' own funeral as a ruse to enter. She mentioned going to North Vietnam during the their was with US and being told by "the comrades" to go back to America and fight the war from within. Clearly, she was a 60's commnist revolutionary retread. Kaplan dubbed her "Hanoi Arlene" in his article Solidarity With Terror."
From the ISM training manual
“Some pacifists are uncomfortable with property damage. For myself...I see it as a great tool.”
“[Some] settle for tactical nonviolence, but given the right historical circumstance, armed struggle would be justified...”
“When TERRORISM is mentioned, emphasize STATE TERRORISM.”
“Instead of OCCUPATION say MILITARY OCCUPATION to make people think the occupation is a MILITARY DICTATORSHIP.” The only military dictator in Israel and the West Bank is Yasser Arafat. The page this appeared on was supplied by the Muslim Public Affairs Council, yet another purportedly Muslim “civil rights group” like the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.
Paul LaRudee
Paul LaRudee is a leader of the Northern California branch of the ISM. He has been deported from Israel more than once for disrupting IDF activities and endangering himself and others, and has visited Lebanon to act as a "human shield for Hezbollah" against IDF fire. LaRudee said in an interview on June 15, 2005, with Khalil Bendib, "Although we are totally dedicated to non-violence. We recognize that not everybody that we work with in the Palestinian community is necessarily devoted to non-violence. And under international law it is permitted for oppressed and occupied peoples to resist, using armed resistance. This is permitted and we recognize their right to do so. However, we do not participate in it in any way, so our devotion is to non-violence."
( )
At a recruiting meeting in Berkeley, LaRudee was asked if they would smuggle guns to Hamas. He said if the Israeli navy stopped them and found guns they would just say the Israelis planted them or that they did not belong to the ISM.
In an e-mail reportedly sent out by Huwaida Arraf in September, 2002, Paul LaRudee, in an essay titled, “Sleeping in the Bed of a Suicide Bomber”, writes, I do not see wild-eyed religious fanaticism as the reason for the attacks. I see instead a resilient people without other means of resistance, pushed to desperation by the increasing pressures of ethnic cleansing, while their cries for help are ignored. Is there a proud people anywhere that might not be driven to such measures to defend themselves?
According to Kaplan, the ISM has played a role in facilitating the Hamas takeover in Gaza. For years Israel tried to prevent weapons smuggling tunnels from Egypt that brought arms and missiles into Gaza to be used to kill Israelis. “The border area with Egypt, the town of Rafah, and the border area that is known as the Philadelphi Corridor became hangouts for ISM anarchists and communists from foreign countries to interfere with anti-terrorist operations and avowed anarchists like Rachel Corrie,” says Kaplan, “to garner enough adverse publicity in worldwide media that Israel eventually relinquished control of the Egyptian border under pressure from the Europeans and the US State Department. ISM activist and anarchist Joseph Smith, a.k.a. Joseph Carr, who was intimately involved in developing propaganda during the deaths of both those young people, who said Corrie’s death was ‘well worth the price of the revolution,’ is still an ISM member. Carr’s photos and contributions can be found on the Free Gaza recruiting website.”
The ISM eventually accomplished the goal of forcing Israel to open the Egyptian border to new flows of weapons and terrorists. Israel ’s attempts to simply try to protect its citizens resulted in diplomatic pressure being brought to bear by the Quartet and Condoleeza Rice to open up that border enabling the smuggling of Kassem rockets now falling on the heads of Israeli civilians.
Kaplan says that, “It appears that newer restrictions on ISM activities, by Israeli security services in the West Bank, have finally slowed down the effectiveness of this organization. It is in the interest of all Western countries, and of the State of Israel in particular, to use all legal tools and means to expel ISM activists to their home countries and to ensure they cannot continue their perfidious work masquerading as "peace activists" when they are human shields for terrorists that murder Israelis."
Is the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) composed of non-violent peace activists or supporters of terrorism?
The answer is clear to Lee Kaplan, investigative journalist, Senior Intelligence Analyst and Communications Director for the Northeast Intelligence Network, who is currently in Israel to consult to the Israeli Justice Department on the involvement of the ISM in the cases of the flotilla and Rachel Corrie. The trial has already determined that Rachel Corrie was not protecting a house as earlier claimed. Cindy Corrie, Rachel’s mother, is still claiming her daughter also served as a human shield to “protect” Palestinian water wells and municipal water workers from the IDF. Kaplan says those wells were in fact weapons smuggling tunnels and those workers were Hamas terrorists. Corrie, he says, was trying to help kill IDF soldiers as well as civilians in Israel.
Kaplan began his examination of the ISM seven years ago. He monitors their activities and fundraising and tries to alert both the American and Israeli governments to their activities in advance, he says, “to save Israel problems.” Both U.S. and Israeli security officials have used his reports to undertake legal action against ISM activists in Israel and the United States.
According to Kaplan, the ISM has consistently shown itself to be on the side of terrorist movements that prolong the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and prevent peace. At the same time, he says, Israel ’s fear of creating international incidents has prevented her from cracking down on foreign nationals who are trained to work in solidarity with Arab terror groups.
Kaplan cites sources statements made by ISM leaders at national conferences in the US and even a letter to the Washington Post in which ISM leaders such as Huwaida Arraf and Paul LaRudee, both well known ISM leaders, have openly stated they work with Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and even Hezbollah. This new effort on the part of the ISM, says Kaplan, is being organized to deliberately help the Hamas terrorist regime recruit more ISM activists again for Gaza to break Israeli control of seaports that can be used to smuggle weapons and terrorists into Gaza.
Kaplan says, “The ISM poses a greater threat to Israel ’s existence than the armed terrorists do. It is funded by Saudi Arabia, the PLO, Hamas, organized originally by the PFLP. They are the revolutionary communist party wing of the PLO and the ISM follows that line. This is one reason that they’re aligned with communist and anarchist groups in the US and Europe, for example, International ANSWER or its parent, the International Socialist Organization that calls for a violent overthrow of the US governmentto create a dictatorshop of the proletariat. They march in support of Hamas and all the terrorist groups, like Columbia’s FARC, and others. They are in close contact with all the terrorist groups in the US too.” He refers one to his website:
Improbable activist
Kaplan’s revelations about the movement and how they train volunteers to be supportive of terrorists are chilling. And how Kaplan fell into this role is a story of its own. In his youth, he worked out of college as a writer and editor, eventually becoming the owner of a successful jewelry business, one of whose stores was located on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley.
The change in his life occurred as he watched the growing presence of Hamas and similar groups on campus. But the watershed came in 2003 when, “I had gone over to the campus to participate in the Holocaust Day memorial ceremony. I was wearing a jacket with an Israeli flag on the back and reciting the names of the dead, and a young woman, from the Hillel organization, came over to me and asked me to not participate in the Yizkor service because of my Israeli flag jacket.
‘I asked her if she was joking and she said that it offended the ‘Jews for Palestine’ and pointed over to Sproul Plaza, the campus commons, where that group was having a demonstration for the Students for Justice in Palestine, targeted against Israel. I noticed that on the Pro-Palestinian side they had megaphones and signs and all kinds of displays and on the Jewish side they had nothing. I said to the pro-Israel demonstrators, ‘Doesn’t Hillel provide you any kind of support?’ and they said that Hillel didn’t give them any help at all. ‘I’ve got some money,’ I told them, because I had just sold my business.’I’m going to help you fight back.’
It was then that he created DAFKA ( ). It is, he says, “A perfect name. It’s an acronym for ‘Defending American for Knowledge in Action’ but it also means, in Hebrew, ‘in your face’ and ‘in spite of everything’.”
“It also refers to the time manna fell from heaven and saved the Jews when they were their most desperate, a most fitting name.”
“We were enormously effective,” says Kaplan. “We had Jewish students coming up and crying and thanking us for being there. We screened videos by the PLO and Palestinian television. The Muslim and Palestinian students would rant and rave and we’d say, ‘Show us one thing on the table not from your media,’ and they had nothing to say. One woman came up wearing a chador and she screamed, ‘You’re prejudiced against the Muslim people, and I’m going to complain,’ and I told her, ‘Take everything on the table into the office and complain’ and she did, and I didn’t hear anything after that because it was all from their own media.”
But Kaplan says, “We did not have as many problems with the Arab students as we did with the Jews.” DAFKA and the ZOA were voted out of theHillel Jewish student union because of leftists within conspiring against them and radicals of Jewish descent who really were helping the Palestinian group. “When they held the vote to vote us out, they didn’t notify us so our student leader did not attend, so it was a kangaroo court.”
Kaplan became immersed in investigative journalism, including working for Front Page Magazine, and he was hired by its editor, David Horowitz, as a campus organizer for Students for Academic Freedom. While he worked for that foundation, he began doing research on anti-Israel activism on the campus and on Middle East studies abuses on the part of the faculty, and on the part of campus organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine.
A fly on the wall of ISM training
“While working freelance, I wrote an article called ‘Solidarity with Terror’, published in 2004,” says Kaplan. “I had found out that was having a training session on going to Israel. I was already identified as a pro-Israel activist, but when I was in my 20’s I had been an actor in film and TV, so I dyed my hair and eyebrows and colored my skin and made myself up to be a Pakistani and I went to the meeting.”
Kaplan infiltrated an ISM training session - the same sort of training that Rachel Corrie underwent -- and has the printed training manual to prove his points. At the ISM, he says, they were given instruction on how to falsify documents, how to lie to Israeli officials, and how to violate Israeli law by deceiving border guards about the nature of their visit, their destinations inside Israel, their identities and more. “Everything we were instructed to do in the course of our training while we were in Israel would involve some form of breaking Israeli law,” he says. Furthermore, he says, the ISM training manuals contain articles by radical groups including War Resisters League, Act Up, Direct Action and several “anti-global” organizations all that promote revolutionary violence and adhere to the concept of “by any means necessary” as voiced by Malcolm X which means violence.
ISM Complicity with Terror
The ISM website is filled with expressions such as “legitimate resistance” or support for “legitimate armed struggle as well as this ISM motto “by any means necessary.”
However, says Kaplan, documented ISM complicity with terrorism and cooperation with terrorists has included from all major newswires:
· Hiding terrorists such as Shadi Sukiya, arrested in an ISM office in the West Bank.
· Hiding of an arms cache that was also found in an ISM office
· Facilitating the entry to Israel of suicide bombers who gained entry for their murderous agendas under the auspices of the ISM. These Pakistani Muslims from Great Britain entered Israel through Jordan as clients of the Alternative Tourism Group, an operation set up by Andoni to aid ISM volunteers coming to Israel. They then met with the ISM at their offices for an entire day in Gaza before proceeding on to Tel Aviv where they bombed a popular beach bar, Mike’s Place, killing three people.
· According to ISM founder Adam Shapiro, the ISM has Palestinian “handlers,” or undercover supervisors at all demonstrations against Israel. These supervisors direct attacks against the West Bank security fence and IDF soldiers. One of the handlers is Hisham Jamjoun, a member of the PLFP who also manages the Faisal Youth Hostel in Jerusalem. “That’s ISM Central according to ISMer Joseph Carr who maintains he was with Corrie when she died. I wrote about the Hostel in my article ‘The ISM-Terror Connection,” he says. See:
· ISM leaders speak openly of their desire to bring about the demise of the State of Israel in favor of a Palestinian State from the river to the sea. Yet ISM officials and volunteers have been photographed in the company of known terrorists, sometimes holding AK- 47 assault rifles. Some volunteers disguise themselves as Jews living in the West Bank. See:
Rachel Corrie
On March 16, 2003, 23-year-old Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington, was killed by an IDF bulldozer. As a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement, Rachel was in Gaza supposedly opposing the bulldozing of Palestinian homes by the Israeli army. The ISM released photos showing Corrie in clear view of a bulldozer, then a second photograph reported to have been taken moments later with Rachel having been killed.
However, a careful examination of the photos showed that the scenes were staged with different tractors and at different times. See:
One photo with a superimposed tractor in the foreground and Corrie superimposed with another ISM activist in front of a “doctor’s house,” when enlarged, not only revealed the superimposition techniques, but that the ISM (or ISMer Joe Carr and others who doctored the photos) left off the feet of the two ISM activists.
ISM and Palestinian sources claim that the home Rachel Corrie was trying to save belonged to a Palestinian doctor and his family.
Rachel Corrie wrote the following in emails home to her mother who is now suing the IDFl in a wrongful death suit, indicating that she knew that the Palestinians she was supporting were using violence: "Think about the relative positions of the fighters and occupiers in this monumentally unequal struggle.... the few young fighters have NOTHING BUT THEIR WEAPON (and this not the most modern) - no helmet, bullet proof vest, radio contact or other protection. No back-up, no plane, helicopter, tank, APC, searchlight, dogs, flares, ambulance or refuge... every time the Israeli Command terrorizes Nablus, more Martyrs are ready to defend the honour of Palestine and fight for the freedom of surely the most gentle, generous and peaceful people on earth." ( New Zealand Herald, 10 February 2003) [ ]
"The internationals recognized symbols and banners from numerous school and community-groups, Fatah, DFLP, FIDA, PFLP, Hamas and many individual demonstrators among those marching" (private email admitting that Corrie’s gang was involved in bringing out bodies from smuggling tunnels in an ISM media report).
According to Kaplan, one ISM activist, Joe Carr, while employed by Christian Peacemaker Teams in Rafah said the following on the death of Rachel Corrie in an interview in a Washington State newspaper, The Stranger:
“The spirit that she died for is worth a life. This idea of resistance, this spirit of resisting this brutal occupying force, is worth anything. And many, many, many Palestinians give their lives for it all the time. So the life of one international, I feel, is more than worth the spirit of resisting oppression.”
Another quote was made by an ISM co-founder from the Alternative Information Center who also operates an office in Pasadena, California to recruit “tourists” for the ISM (the Mike’s Place bombers entered the country as “Alternative Tourists.”
"If some of these foreign volunteers get shot or even killed, then the international media will sit up and take notice." - George Rishmawi, Director of the Solidarity Movement.
"Her death serves me more than it served her. Her death will bring more
attention than the other 2,000 martyrs." - quoted by Hamas member in The Stranger at Corrie’s mock funeral in Gaza as a “martyr.”
ISM Training: Be ready for Violence
Kaplan says, “At an ISM training session, I asked ISM trainer Brian Molvany, ‘But what if we see kids throwing stones at tanks or putting themselves in danger. Shouldn’t we tell them not to and urge them to stay away? Molvany responded, ‘We can’t tell kids not to throw stones!’ Obviously the same rule applied to suicide bombers as we were advised that we might be used as human shields inside houses slated for demolition by the Israeli army because they were used as bomb making factories.
“Later, trainer Mary Erwin told me that our allies from the Israeli anarchist and communist movements were ready to lie to the border guards on our behalf to verify false stories given in order to get the ISM volunteers into Israel".
“Not once all day, in any way, did members of our group - trainers or trainees - express a negative word about suicide bombings, or the shooting of women and children by Palestinian terrorists. But we were told repeatedly not to tell the Palestinians how to ‘resist.’
“At the conclusion of our session, Jamie used her training as a social worker to prepare us to deal with long term trauma once we returned to the Bay Area. I thought it was an interesting lesson for people going to the Middle East to engage in ‘nonviolent’ activities for peace. ‘Be ready for lots of violence,’ she said.
ISM volunteers at that meeting included:
-Arlene, a 62-year-old Jewish woman from Oakland. She expressed grief for the Israeli execution of Sheik Yassin, the former head of Hamas who was responsible for the murders of over 350 people inside Israel. She spoke of sabotaging IDF army vehicles and how she entered Israel once to help hewr enemies by using her parents' own funeral as a ruse to enter. She mentioned going to North Vietnam during the their was with US and being told by "the comrades" to go back to America and fight the war from within. Clearly, she was a 60's commnist revolutionary retread. Kaplan dubbed her "Hanoi Arlene" in his article Solidarity With Terror."
From the ISM training manual
“Some pacifists are uncomfortable with property damage. For myself...I see it as a great tool.”
“[Some] settle for tactical nonviolence, but given the right historical circumstance, armed struggle would be justified...”
“When TERRORISM is mentioned, emphasize STATE TERRORISM.”
“Instead of OCCUPATION say MILITARY OCCUPATION to make people think the occupation is a MILITARY DICTATORSHIP.” The only military dictator in Israel and the West Bank is Yasser Arafat. The page this appeared on was supplied by the Muslim Public Affairs Council, yet another purportedly Muslim “civil rights group” like the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.
Paul LaRudee
Paul LaRudee is a leader of the Northern California branch of the ISM. He has been deported from Israel more than once for disrupting IDF activities and endangering himself and others, and has visited Lebanon to act as a "human shield for Hezbollah" against IDF fire. LaRudee said in an interview on June 15, 2005, with Khalil Bendib, "Although we are totally dedicated to non-violence. We recognize that not everybody that we work with in the Palestinian community is necessarily devoted to non-violence. And under international law it is permitted for oppressed and occupied peoples to resist, using armed resistance. This is permitted and we recognize their right to do so. However, we do not participate in it in any way, so our devotion is to non-violence."
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At a recruiting meeting in Berkeley, LaRudee was asked if they would smuggle guns to Hamas. He said if the Israeli navy stopped them and found guns they would just say the Israelis planted them or that they did not belong to the ISM.
In an e-mail reportedly sent out by Huwaida Arraf in September, 2002, Paul LaRudee, in an essay titled, “Sleeping in the Bed of a Suicide Bomber”, writes, I do not see wild-eyed religious fanaticism as the reason for the attacks. I see instead a resilient people without other means of resistance, pushed to desperation by the increasing pressures of ethnic cleansing, while their cries for help are ignored. Is there a proud people anywhere that might not be driven to such measures to defend themselves?
According to Kaplan, the ISM has played a role in facilitating the Hamas takeover in Gaza. For years Israel tried to prevent weapons smuggling tunnels from Egypt that brought arms and missiles into Gaza to be used to kill Israelis. “The border area with Egypt, the town of Rafah, and the border area that is known as the Philadelphi Corridor became hangouts for ISM anarchists and communists from foreign countries to interfere with anti-terrorist operations and avowed anarchists like Rachel Corrie,” says Kaplan, “to garner enough adverse publicity in worldwide media that Israel eventually relinquished control of the Egyptian border under pressure from the Europeans and the US State Department. ISM activist and anarchist Joseph Smith, a.k.a. Joseph Carr, who was intimately involved in developing propaganda during the deaths of both those young people, who said Corrie’s death was ‘well worth the price of the revolution,’ is still an ISM member. Carr’s photos and contributions can be found on the Free Gaza recruiting website.”
The ISM eventually accomplished the goal of forcing Israel to open the Egyptian border to new flows of weapons and terrorists. Israel ’s attempts to simply try to protect its citizens resulted in diplomatic pressure being brought to bear by the Quartet and Condoleeza Rice to open up that border enabling the smuggling of Kassem rockets now falling on the heads of Israeli civilians.
Kaplan says that, “It appears that newer restrictions on ISM activities, by Israeli security services in the West Bank, have finally slowed down the effectiveness of this organization. It is in the interest of all Western countries, and of the State of Israel in particular, to use all legal tools and means to expel ISM activists to their home countries and to ensure they cannot continue their perfidious work masquerading as "peace activists" when they are human shields for terrorists that murder Israelis."
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Zahi Damuni, one of the co-founders of the pro-Hamas terrorist group Al Awda, the Palestine Right of Return Coalition, could scarcely contain his excitement in an email he sent the membership announcing that British rock stars and even model-actress celebrity Kate Moss had performed at a “charity benefit for Palestine” in the UK.
Al Awda’s motto, used in its worldwide campaign against Israel, is “From the River to the Sea” –in other words, all of Israel is to be “Palestine,”. The organization speaks of terrorism as “legitimate resistance.”
Singer Tom Jones was the special guest at the event. Given the UK climate of anti-Israel actvism and support for terrorists whose charters call for the annihilation of Jews and the destruction of Israel, not peace, such an event marks a new low in the once great Welsh singer’s career.
Other rock stars appearing included Pink Floyd guitar stars David Gilmour and Roger Waters, both of whom have been mentioned repeatedly by the International Solidarity Movement as being strong supporters of the Gaza Flotilla boats designed to enable Hamas to bring in weapons from Iran. One ISM communiqué even suggested that the guitar masters might be on the boats.
The event took place at the home of a woman of Jewish descent, Jemima Khan, the former Jemima Goldsmith, daughter of a wealthy British Jewish industrialist. Although she was raised in the Protestant faith, she reportedly converted to Islam during a brief marriage to another British celebrity, Imran Khan. Jemima Khan took to wearing
the veil and lived for a while in Lahore Pakistan with Imran Khan’s family, ultimately returning to the UK with two sons because she could not tolerate the Islamic lifestyle of a Pakistani woman. Independently wealthy, she spends most of her time today arranging charity events.
While this particular “charity event” is billed by the Hoping Foundation as being for “Palestinian children,” it should be noted that fundraisers in the UK and the US that generate money for the likes of Hamas are always billed as charitable events for “Palestinian children.” This is because such funds, once they reach the Middle East,
are fungible and nearly impossible to trace.
Don't be confused--this was not a charity event to also help the Israeli children of Sderot who have had missiles fired at their schools for years and as a result have experienced a near epidemic of juvenile onset diabetes. Why were they excluded? The message of this “charitable” event, if anything, is that the celebrities involved are only interested in helping the Palestinian movement, Otherwise, the event might have been classified as being for all “Middle East children” and sent a real message of peace.
Wealthy attendees placed auction-style “bids” for rock stars to sing their favorite ballads. The Pink Floyd duo garnered 50,000 British pounds from one wealthy donor for singing one of their classics. Other British rock stars included Nick Cave and Jamie Hince. Also in attendance was film actor James Fox. 400,000 British pounds were raised at the event, which is about $600,000 US.
The International Solidarity Movement and Al Awda’s leadership that includes Zahi Damuni have launched a deliberate campaign of trying to get rock stars to boycott Israel. At their last West Coast conference in the US, Al Awda’s leadership crowed that rock star Elvis Costello and the rock group the Pixies had canceled scheduled concerts in Israel in support of “Palestine.” On the other hand, R&B star Missy Elliott has just arrived in Israel and both British rock superstar Elton John recently played to a sold out crowd in Tel Aviv saying he would not support a boycott and rock star Madonna performed to tens of thousands in the Jewish state. Her recently divorced husband, British director Guy Ritchie, appeared at the Jemima Kahn fundraiser with his new girlfriend.
Israel should arrange its own charitable event and bring in rock stars to perform and help the Jewish children of Sderot and other endangered areas in Israel, The world has gone mad when entertainers and rock music artists use their fame to support groups who seek the destruction of the Jewish state while claiming they are concerned about children.
One can only wonder if Tom Jones-or any of his misguided celebrity friends-have seen the way these Arab children are educated towards violence and hatred of Israel and its children.
One can only wonder if Tom Jones-or any of his misguided celebrity friends- think about whether he will bear some of the responsibility when of those “children” in Hamasland that he sings for so uncritically grow up to be suicide bombers the likes of which carried out the 7/7 bombings in London.
Al Awda’s motto, used in its worldwide campaign against Israel, is “From the River to the Sea” –in other words, all of Israel is to be “Palestine,”. The organization speaks of terrorism as “legitimate resistance.”
Singer Tom Jones was the special guest at the event. Given the UK climate of anti-Israel actvism and support for terrorists whose charters call for the annihilation of Jews and the destruction of Israel, not peace, such an event marks a new low in the once great Welsh singer’s career.
Other rock stars appearing included Pink Floyd guitar stars David Gilmour and Roger Waters, both of whom have been mentioned repeatedly by the International Solidarity Movement as being strong supporters of the Gaza Flotilla boats designed to enable Hamas to bring in weapons from Iran. One ISM communiqué even suggested that the guitar masters might be on the boats.
The event took place at the home of a woman of Jewish descent, Jemima Khan, the former Jemima Goldsmith, daughter of a wealthy British Jewish industrialist. Although she was raised in the Protestant faith, she reportedly converted to Islam during a brief marriage to another British celebrity, Imran Khan. Jemima Khan took to wearing
the veil and lived for a while in Lahore Pakistan with Imran Khan’s family, ultimately returning to the UK with two sons because she could not tolerate the Islamic lifestyle of a Pakistani woman. Independently wealthy, she spends most of her time today arranging charity events.
While this particular “charity event” is billed by the Hoping Foundation as being for “Palestinian children,” it should be noted that fundraisers in the UK and the US that generate money for the likes of Hamas are always billed as charitable events for “Palestinian children.” This is because such funds, once they reach the Middle East,
are fungible and nearly impossible to trace.
Don't be confused--this was not a charity event to also help the Israeli children of Sderot who have had missiles fired at their schools for years and as a result have experienced a near epidemic of juvenile onset diabetes. Why were they excluded? The message of this “charitable” event, if anything, is that the celebrities involved are only interested in helping the Palestinian movement, Otherwise, the event might have been classified as being for all “Middle East children” and sent a real message of peace.
Wealthy attendees placed auction-style “bids” for rock stars to sing their favorite ballads. The Pink Floyd duo garnered 50,000 British pounds from one wealthy donor for singing one of their classics. Other British rock stars included Nick Cave and Jamie Hince. Also in attendance was film actor James Fox. 400,000 British pounds were raised at the event, which is about $600,000 US.
The International Solidarity Movement and Al Awda’s leadership that includes Zahi Damuni have launched a deliberate campaign of trying to get rock stars to boycott Israel. At their last West Coast conference in the US, Al Awda’s leadership crowed that rock star Elvis Costello and the rock group the Pixies had canceled scheduled concerts in Israel in support of “Palestine.” On the other hand, R&B star Missy Elliott has just arrived in Israel and both British rock superstar Elton John recently played to a sold out crowd in Tel Aviv saying he would not support a boycott and rock star Madonna performed to tens of thousands in the Jewish state. Her recently divorced husband, British director Guy Ritchie, appeared at the Jemima Kahn fundraiser with his new girlfriend.
Israel should arrange its own charitable event and bring in rock stars to perform and help the Jewish children of Sderot and other endangered areas in Israel, The world has gone mad when entertainers and rock music artists use their fame to support groups who seek the destruction of the Jewish state while claiming they are concerned about children.
One can only wonder if Tom Jones-or any of his misguided celebrity friends-have seen the way these Arab children are educated towards violence and hatred of Israel and its children.
One can only wonder if Tom Jones-or any of his misguided celebrity friends- think about whether he will bear some of the responsibility when of those “children” in Hamasland that he sings for so uncritically grow up to be suicide bombers the likes of which carried out the 7/7 bombings in London.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
For more information on this visit the Stop the ISM homepage today June 30, 2010. There's a lot of info there including a manual written by Huwaida Arraf about the Flotilla and what they really set out to do:
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I was floored. Here it was Sunday night, I had just put the garbage out for collection Monday a.m. and I kicked back to watch cable television for a few laughs before bed.
Showtime is a major cable network in the US and was premiering a new show titled “The Green Room,” hosted by a comedian named Paul Provenza. The show was actually in a talk format with five comedians in a semicircle who discussed their careers and how their acts were received not only in America but in the UK.
Stand-up comedians can sometimes be vulgar to break up an audience and supply some laughs, and compared to what I’ve heard on cable television and in live comedy clubs the show was fairly mild.
That was, until the very end.
One of the guest comedians was Larry Miller. Oh, you’ve seen him before in comedy films produced in the US. He usually plays the harried campus administrator or foil for
the hero who is trying to get the girl. Oh, one other thing: he’s Jewish.
As the show ran out of time and came to an end, Larry Miller made a quip to his fellow comedians and the millions of people worldwide who watch Showtime. He said, “Let’s
go out for a drink. We can have one called a Leon Klinghoffer—it’s two shots and a
Most of the audience on screen didn’t laugh, not because the joke wasn’t funny (it wasn’t), but because most of them had no idea who Leon Klinghoffer was.
Leon Klinghoffer was an elderly Jewish man who was in a wheelchair on the Achille Lauro cruise ship when it was hijacked by members of George Habash’s PFLP under orders of Yasser Arafat. The terror attack had been partly arranged back then by Machmud Abbas, the current head of the PLO-terror-state-in-the-making. Abbas was caught fleeing Egypt by the US Navy but released by the Italian government after US forces forced his plane to land on Italian soil.
Arafat personally gave the order to the hijackers to shoot Klinghoffer in his wheelchair
and dump him overboard. Two US state department employees were also murdered in the Sudan under Arafat’s direct orders that same day as part of the PLO “operation.” The US
state department actually recorded Arafat giving the order by radio.
Klinghoffer’s wife, who was on the ship with her husband and who watched the grisly execution, died shortly after her husband’s death due to the stress of what she witnessed.
Most young people, even American Jews born after 1980, have no idea who Leon Klinghoffer was. So why on earth would a comedian like Miller even use such a joke?
Had he made a joke about lynching a black man in the Jim Crow south of the US the joke
would surely have been edited out during the final cut of the show taping. But apparently executives at Showtime saw nothing wrong with a joke about murdering an elderly Jew in a wheelchair and dumping him at sea because he was a Jew. The joke could have been edited out of the final taping but was left in.
In all likelihood the executives at Showtime themselves had no idea who Leon Klinghoffer was or what happened to him. But what is disturbing is after I wrote to
Robert Greenblatt (yes, a Jew yet) who is in charge of programming for the cable network giant about the event, I received absolutely no response.
Anti-Semitism is back even in America to such a degree that killing Jews has become
something to joke about. I’m no prude and I believe in freedom of speech, but can any
one of us believe had a similar joke even been made about Muslims that it would be played on air? This is the face of growing anti-Semitism in America.
If you agree with this, write Robert Greenblatt and see if you get a response. That such a joke would be made during the Gaza Flotilla yet is something every Jew, Israeli or in the Diaspora, should really think about:
Showtime is a major cable network in the US and was premiering a new show titled “The Green Room,” hosted by a comedian named Paul Provenza. The show was actually in a talk format with five comedians in a semicircle who discussed their careers and how their acts were received not only in America but in the UK.
Stand-up comedians can sometimes be vulgar to break up an audience and supply some laughs, and compared to what I’ve heard on cable television and in live comedy clubs the show was fairly mild.
That was, until the very end.
One of the guest comedians was Larry Miller. Oh, you’ve seen him before in comedy films produced in the US. He usually plays the harried campus administrator or foil for
the hero who is trying to get the girl. Oh, one other thing: he’s Jewish.
As the show ran out of time and came to an end, Larry Miller made a quip to his fellow comedians and the millions of people worldwide who watch Showtime. He said, “Let’s
go out for a drink. We can have one called a Leon Klinghoffer—it’s two shots and a
Most of the audience on screen didn’t laugh, not because the joke wasn’t funny (it wasn’t), but because most of them had no idea who Leon Klinghoffer was.
Leon Klinghoffer was an elderly Jewish man who was in a wheelchair on the Achille Lauro cruise ship when it was hijacked by members of George Habash’s PFLP under orders of Yasser Arafat. The terror attack had been partly arranged back then by Machmud Abbas, the current head of the PLO-terror-state-in-the-making. Abbas was caught fleeing Egypt by the US Navy but released by the Italian government after US forces forced his plane to land on Italian soil.
Arafat personally gave the order to the hijackers to shoot Klinghoffer in his wheelchair
and dump him overboard. Two US state department employees were also murdered in the Sudan under Arafat’s direct orders that same day as part of the PLO “operation.” The US
state department actually recorded Arafat giving the order by radio.
Klinghoffer’s wife, who was on the ship with her husband and who watched the grisly execution, died shortly after her husband’s death due to the stress of what she witnessed.
Most young people, even American Jews born after 1980, have no idea who Leon Klinghoffer was. So why on earth would a comedian like Miller even use such a joke?
Had he made a joke about lynching a black man in the Jim Crow south of the US the joke
would surely have been edited out during the final cut of the show taping. But apparently executives at Showtime saw nothing wrong with a joke about murdering an elderly Jew in a wheelchair and dumping him at sea because he was a Jew. The joke could have been edited out of the final taping but was left in.
In all likelihood the executives at Showtime themselves had no idea who Leon Klinghoffer was or what happened to him. But what is disturbing is after I wrote to
Robert Greenblatt (yes, a Jew yet) who is in charge of programming for the cable network giant about the event, I received absolutely no response.
Anti-Semitism is back even in America to such a degree that killing Jews has become
something to joke about. I’m no prude and I believe in freedom of speech, but can any
one of us believe had a similar joke even been made about Muslims that it would be played on air? This is the face of growing anti-Semitism in America.
If you agree with this, write Robert Greenblatt and see if you get a response. That such a joke would be made during the Gaza Flotilla yet is something every Jew, Israeli or in the Diaspora, should really think about:
Friday, June 11, 2010
Yesterday I was on the Tovia Singer Radio Show on giving out information on the Gaza flotilla raid not found in mainstream media. There were al Qaida and Hamas agents on the Turkish boat who attacked the IDF soldiers. The intrview is archived so can be found by going to the INN home page then clicking on radio and scrolling down to Tovia Singer's show where it should be archived.
I did a similar interview last week on the Fred Thompson Show found at That is also archived. Fred and I discuss the flotilla and how our government is suborning terrorism rather than fighting in. Both shows are worth a listen.
I did a similar interview last week on the Fred Thompson Show found at That is also archived. Fred and I discuss the flotilla and how our government is suborning terrorism rather than fighting in. Both shows are worth a listen.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Obama administration officials to speak at Hamas support group’s convention
By Lee Kaplan, Communications Director
26 May 2010: Mainstream media has completely overlooked a national conference that will be held June 4-10, 2010 in Washington D.C., where officials of the Obama administration will speak and rub elbows with Arab-Americans who openly support and work for the goals of Hamas, and who encourage the violation of US laws.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) presents itself as a civil rights group protecting Muslims and Arab-Americans from discrimination. However, the group is a front for supporting Hamas and promotes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement against Israel, and through its associations, supports the same enemies our troops are fighting against in Afghanistan and Iraq.
According to the website Militant Islam Monitor, “The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is known for openly supporting Hezbollah, and Hamas. One of its members, Souheil Elia of the Florida chapter, has supported suicide bombings in it forums and in interviews, stating that …”their bodies are the only weapons they have…” In 2004 Elia spoke at an ADC event called Palestine- Perception and Reality- which was an Israel and American bashing fest.
This week, the ADC sent out e-mail announcements for the convention and is promoting featured guests that include Rick Wade, Senior Adviser and Deputy Chief of Staff for Barack Hussein Obama’s Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
The ADC openly works with anti-Israel organizations such as Al Awda and the Students for Justice in Palestine as well as the Muslim Student Union chapters on US college campuses to promote the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. In addition, the ADC serves as a support mechanism for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) by providing facilities and funding to send activists to the Middle East to support Hamas and act as human shields for the terrorist organization. Jess Ghannam, head of the ADC is San Francisco and a co-founder of Al Awda and ISM organizer was recently part of the Viva Palestina Tour that illegally entered Gaza last year to bring funding and supplies to Hamas.
The Secretary of Commerce has an Office of Anti-Boycott Compliance that is responsible for enforcing US trade laws passed by congress making it illegal for American companies to discriminate and boycott Israel. Obviously, both the Bush and Obama administrations have chosen to ignore and violate the rule of law. The BDS Movement as encouraged and supported by Al Awda and the ADC also encourages the boycotting of American businesses that are either owned by Jews or have Jewish management, a clear violation of U.S. Civil Rights Laws.
Oddly enough, Wade’s appearance is supposed to “… highlight the economic viability of minority-owned businesses and the opportunities for collaboration in areas of commerce, both domestically and internationally,” according to the announcement sent out by the ADC.
Apparently, the Commerce Secretary’s Office sees nothing wrong with encouraging business among an Arab advocacy group that discriminates against American and Israeli companies and Jews. Oddly enough, the ADC announcement also cites as the theme of the conference as being “Thirty Years of Advocacy and Achievement: Strengthening the Voice for Equality and Justice.” The ADC has always supported the boycotting and divestment of Jewish and Israeli businesses in the US and abroad.
The conference also includes as guest speakers Clovis Maksoud, the diplomatic head of the Arab League that created the Boycott against Israel originating in 1949, as well as Azmi Bishara, a former Arab-Israeli member of Israel’s parliament who fled the country after it was revealed he had been spying for Hezbollah. Hezbollah is on the US State Department’s list of illegal terrorist groups and was responsible for murdering 241 US marines in Beirut in 1983.
Even more disturbing is another high-level guest from the Obama Administration—Attorney General Eric Holder who is scheduled to speak to “A Keynote Civil Rights Luncheon” at the Conference on June 4th.
So here we have the highest law enforcement officer in the US speaking as a guest at an event given by an organization that discriminates against Jewish Americans in violation of US Trade Laws and that hosts as an honored guest someone who has worked as a spy for a known terrorist organization that has murdered US servicemen.
The Obama administration should be ashamed and cancel these scheduled appearances immediately. There is no excuse for this as it shows support for an organization that is the complete antithesis of American values and honesty.
By Lee Kaplan, Communications Director
26 May 2010: Mainstream media has completely overlooked a national conference that will be held June 4-10, 2010 in Washington D.C., where officials of the Obama administration will speak and rub elbows with Arab-Americans who openly support and work for the goals of Hamas, and who encourage the violation of US laws.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) presents itself as a civil rights group protecting Muslims and Arab-Americans from discrimination. However, the group is a front for supporting Hamas and promotes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement against Israel, and through its associations, supports the same enemies our troops are fighting against in Afghanistan and Iraq.
According to the website Militant Islam Monitor, “The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is known for openly supporting Hezbollah, and Hamas. One of its members, Souheil Elia of the Florida chapter, has supported suicide bombings in it forums and in interviews, stating that …”their bodies are the only weapons they have…” In 2004 Elia spoke at an ADC event called Palestine- Perception and Reality- which was an Israel and American bashing fest.
This week, the ADC sent out e-mail announcements for the convention and is promoting featured guests that include Rick Wade, Senior Adviser and Deputy Chief of Staff for Barack Hussein Obama’s Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
The ADC openly works with anti-Israel organizations such as Al Awda and the Students for Justice in Palestine as well as the Muslim Student Union chapters on US college campuses to promote the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. In addition, the ADC serves as a support mechanism for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) by providing facilities and funding to send activists to the Middle East to support Hamas and act as human shields for the terrorist organization. Jess Ghannam, head of the ADC is San Francisco and a co-founder of Al Awda and ISM organizer was recently part of the Viva Palestina Tour that illegally entered Gaza last year to bring funding and supplies to Hamas.
The Secretary of Commerce has an Office of Anti-Boycott Compliance that is responsible for enforcing US trade laws passed by congress making it illegal for American companies to discriminate and boycott Israel. Obviously, both the Bush and Obama administrations have chosen to ignore and violate the rule of law. The BDS Movement as encouraged and supported by Al Awda and the ADC also encourages the boycotting of American businesses that are either owned by Jews or have Jewish management, a clear violation of U.S. Civil Rights Laws.
Oddly enough, Wade’s appearance is supposed to “… highlight the economic viability of minority-owned businesses and the opportunities for collaboration in areas of commerce, both domestically and internationally,” according to the announcement sent out by the ADC.
Apparently, the Commerce Secretary’s Office sees nothing wrong with encouraging business among an Arab advocacy group that discriminates against American and Israeli companies and Jews. Oddly enough, the ADC announcement also cites as the theme of the conference as being “Thirty Years of Advocacy and Achievement: Strengthening the Voice for Equality and Justice.” The ADC has always supported the boycotting and divestment of Jewish and Israeli businesses in the US and abroad.
The conference also includes as guest speakers Clovis Maksoud, the diplomatic head of the Arab League that created the Boycott against Israel originating in 1949, as well as Azmi Bishara, a former Arab-Israeli member of Israel’s parliament who fled the country after it was revealed he had been spying for Hezbollah. Hezbollah is on the US State Department’s list of illegal terrorist groups and was responsible for murdering 241 US marines in Beirut in 1983.
Even more disturbing is another high-level guest from the Obama Administration—Attorney General Eric Holder who is scheduled to speak to “A Keynote Civil Rights Luncheon” at the Conference on June 4th.
So here we have the highest law enforcement officer in the US speaking as a guest at an event given by an organization that discriminates against Jewish Americans in violation of US Trade Laws and that hosts as an honored guest someone who has worked as a spy for a known terrorist organization that has murdered US servicemen.
The Obama administration should be ashamed and cancel these scheduled appearances immediately. There is no excuse for this as it shows support for an organization that is the complete antithesis of American values and honesty.
Monday, April 12, 2010
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation lying again on Google search of my name:
They're at it again. Thanks to the Internet, smearing and lying one's way around for anti-Semitic and terrorist groups is just so easy. The latest google search under my name apparently leads to an image and link of a "cease and desist" letter from Huwaida Arraf's and Josh Ruebner's anti-Israel ISM propaganda campaign in Washington where they claim I misrepresented them. You see, these people are inveterate liars for Arab and particualrly Saudi money. I really don't like blogging. This site came into existence from what once was another anti-Israel activist's smear site called Lee Kaplan Watch. I sued the creator and collected monetary damages as well as this blog.
Anyhoo, the ISM gang thinks that by pushing their phony "cease and desist" letter up the ranks of the Google search that they can discredit me. Below is a reprint of my response to that letter. Feel free to email me at if you wish to comment:
Lee Kaplan's Blog
Investigative journalism, foreign policy, Israel, Iraq, the Middle East, Homeland Security and the War on Terror. Exclusive material to read. News unseen in mainstream media but needed to know in a dangerous world.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation recently sent me a
"cease and desist" letter due to my exposure of them as part of
the ISM and how they will be holding another Jew hatefest at
George Mason University. You can read their letter at:
Below is my response:
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
P.O. Box 21539
Washington, DC 20009
RE: “Your cease and desist” letter:
Dear Sirs:
The article of mine, that appeared on The American Thinker web log, "George Mason University to Host Next ISM Conference” ( that the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation refers to, as written, is neither inaccurate nor defamatory, unless you consider the activities of your organization as defaming itself. I, on the other hand, consider your letter as a threat and attempt at intimidation to my rights of free speech.
The American people are not fools, but certain organizations do seek to fool them. When an organization such as yours presents itself as seeking “peace” but in fact supports and works closely with myriad organizations that openly advocate for war on and the destruction of the democratic and pluralistic state of Israel, I feel it is my journalistic duty to alert the public to these events.
Your claims notwithstanding on your website that you only seek to end the “occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem” are belied by both your organization’s actions, as well as the actions and admitted positions of your own representative leadership and close affiliates as I will expose in this letter. I submit that your leadership and organization are guilty of something known as “lying by omission,” or leaving out just enough information to convey a false impression while presenting a kernel of truth in a statement. In this regard, the authors of your letter, particularly Mr. Ruebner, do not mention they support unconditionally the Arab “Right of Return” in addition to the creation of a Palestinian state, a concept whereby 5 million Arabs would be allowed to move within Israel’s 1949 borders so as to demographically overrun the Jewish population and dismantle the state. You can read more about Mr. Ruebner here:
( ).
Responding to your bullet points:
Bullet point number 1:
You take issue with the statement that the International Solidarity Movement is “scheduling” your conference.
According to the personal explanation of Adam Shapiro, who Lee Kaplan personally interviewed at the 2003 Ohio State Divestment Conference and the husband of your chosen leader, Huwaida Arraf, both of whom are co-founders of the ISM, The International Solidarity Movement is the name used by the Palestine Solidarity Movement (PSM) when it operates in the West Bank and Gaza and is comprised of myriad anti-Israel groups (one of which is yours). The ISM and PSM are not official groups or corporations, but represent all of these groups working in unison-“solidarity” toward a common goal in opposing Israel’s existence as a Jewish state and replacing it with Arab-dominated “Palestine.” Among these groups are many who call themselves ISM, but also groups such as Al Awda, SUSTAIN, Students for Justice in Palestine, Women In Black, as well as the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.
Shapiro explained that the ISM is an umbrella organization. As such, if one segment is closed down by the authorities, the others can continue operating. In addition, if one arm of the umbrella makes statements such as was done by Charlotte Kates (See:
who I believe is affiliated with your organization as well, and who stated that Israeli children are “fair game” for terrorist attacks, the others can deny she speaks for them. Hence, the fact this conference is an organizational meeting of the multiple layers of leadership of the ISM, be it under the name US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation or not, it is still an ISM organizational meeting according to the attendees. In fact, you bill it as a National Organizer’s Conference meeting in solidarity to promote divestment against Israel, an ISM program.
By your own admission in your letter, your elected leader and President is in fact a self-admitted co-founder and current leader of the ISM, Huwaida Arraf, who has admitted she works in cooperation with Hamas. The Hamas charter calls for the annihilation of Israel as a Jewish state and the expulsion of all Jews from what is today the state of Israel. See: .
Nice company you keep.
Other individuals who belong to the ISM, yet curiously are also listed as members-at-large in your organization include Ms. Kates, Abe Greenhouse, Joseph Carr and others who have been exposed as higher level activists within the ISM.
Regarding earlier conferences held by your organization: (See: )
From an announcement of a conference held by your organization in Kansas City, Mo.
Saturday, November 13, 2004 - University of Missouri--Kansas City, Missouri
Regional Conference to “End the Occupation”
Sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to the End the Occupation and the International Solidarity Movement .
Citizens for Justice in the Middle East, a regional anti-Israel group based at the University of Missouri—Kansas City, is bringing the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, the International Solidarity Movement and other anti-Israel activists together for a regional conference devoted to changing U.S. policy toward Israel. The event will feature speakers who support divestment from Israel, the elimination of U.S. aid to Israel and contesting Israeli security measures. Notable speakers include Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies, Huwaida Arraf of ISM and the U.S. Campaign’s Josh Ruebner.
I note the following statement from your own website about your first conference (see: ):
“Coordinating with the work of the ISM…” An activity your organization has done
since its alleged inception per your website.
Following are some of the activities of the ISM with whom you “coordinate”:
(1) The ISM says openly that it has direct contacts with Foreign
Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) as defined by the U.S. State Department
(2) The ISM says openly that it recruits American college students in
the hope of getting them hurt or killed in confrontations with Israeli
military forces, for propaganda purposes (e.g. Rachel Corrie).
(3) An ISM affiliate (Al-Awda) have allegedly solicited acts of
terroristic violence on the Internet: specifically the suicide bombing
of Ariel Sharon's hospital room.
(4) The ISM has provided "safe house" assistance for actual terrorists.
(1) The International Solidarity Movement has direct contacts with
Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorists. We direct your
attention to "Huwaida Arraf" on the Steering Committee of U.S. Campaign
to End the Occupation. Note that this is from their own Web site. says,
Current Steering Committee members of the US Campaign, followed by the
year in which their terms end, are:
* Huwaida Arraf (2007) - International Solidarity Movement
* Phyllis Bennis (2009) - Institute for Policy Studies
* Felicia Eaves (2009) - Black Voices for Peace
Now we have Huwaida Arraf's letter to the Washington Post (February 2007)
Eric Adler and Jack Langer disparaged the
International Solidarity Movement(ISM),a movement
that I co-founded in the spring of 2001
in the occupied territories of the West Bank,
the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem to help draw
attention to the human rights abuses suffered by
Palestinians as a result of Israel's occupation.
The ISM also is a resource for Palestinian nonviolent
resistance to the occupation. The ISM believes that
average civilians can bring about change, and it tries
to unite Palestinians, Israelis and other people in
nonviolent resistance to Israel's occupation policies.
When I "acknowledged" that the ISM
"cooperates with Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad
and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,"
I was offering concrete examples of the ways
in which these groups were engaging in nonviolent resistance.
Both the ISM and the Palestine Solidarity Movement
advocate nonviolent resistance to Israel's human rights abuses
-- the ISM through organized action in the occupied territories
and the PSM by promoting international divestment from
companies that profit from occupation.
(2) The International Solidarity Movement recruits
American college students for the purpose of getting
them hurt or killed in confrontations with the
Israeli Defense Forces. This is what happened to
Evergreen College student Rachel Corrie in
March 2003. Two ISM members stated openly that
they had a motive for wanting her dead. While GMU
students are legal adults, is this an activity to
which GMU really wants to expose them?
"Recently, the Director of the Solidarity Movement,
George Rishmawi, explained to the San Francisco Chronicle
that the recruitment of American student volunteers
is useful to the Palestinian Movement because
'if some of these foreign volunteers get shot or
even killed, then the international media will
sit up and take notice.'"
Joseph Smith, a.k.a. Joseph Carr, who was present
when Corrie died, and whose highest priority was
apparently to take pictures, said
"The spirit that she died for is worth a life.
This idea of resistance, this spirit of resisting
this brutal occupying force, is worth anything. And
many, many, many Palestinians give their lives for
it all the time. So the life of one international,
I feel, is more than worth the spirit of resisting
oppression." (Rachel Corrie's life, as opposed to his
own, of course.) Read more on Joseph Smith/Carr here:
A Hamas terrorist said openly that Rachel Corrie
was worth more dead than alive.
"'Her death serves me more than it served her,' said one
activist at a Hamas funeral yesterday.
'...Her death will bring more attention than
the other 2,000 martyrs.'" Making of a Martyr
by Sandra Jordan, Guardian Newspapers. Ms.Arraf,
your elected President, admits to working with Hamas.
(3)An ISM and US Camapign to End the Israeli Occupation
affiliate(Al-Awda) has allegedly solicited acts of terrorist
violence on the Internet: specifically the suicide bombing
of Ariel Sharon's hospital room.
A member of Al-Awda (Right of Return), an International Solidarity
Movement affiliate, allegedly posted a solicitation for a "martyr" to
bomb the Hadassah Hospital in Israel, where Ariel Sharon is being
treated for a stroke. (This was, incidentally, forwarded to law
enforcement when we saw it.)
From: raja chemayel
Mailing-List: list
; contact
Delivered-To: mailing list
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 19:35:29 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [AL-AWDA] open letter to the next Suicide-Bomber
Open letter to
the next
Dear Abou el Fidda' ,
If you are next Martyr on the waiting list
get started and pack your heavy-stuff ,
kiss the hand of your mother
kiss goodbye you bothers and sisters
kiss the hand of your father
put on that heavy-jacket.......
Take the Express-Bus to Jerusalem-Central
and then take bus Nr. 17 which takes you to Haddasah
then step out at the Bus-Station called the :
"Hospital for War Criminal"
Show you Fake-Press-Card to the Security
and speak with an American-accent
walk slowly and do not attract attention......
Enter the main-Hall and walk straight to the VIP- elevator
tell them Mr. Wolf Blitzer has sent you.....!!
Go up to the seventh floor........
look for the room 714........ (intensive care)
and then slowly but surely hold on to that detonator
under your jacket.......
Once you reach that very-well-guarded-room # 714
stop and turn left.....
you will see a large "VIP-Waiting-Hall"
with the many Dignitaries from many countries
including ,unfortunatly, some Arab-countries......
who came to pay their respect to their dying-Hero.
Show again your fake-Press-Card and start
interviewing those "well-wishers".........
and ask them what made this man a Hero ??
and how come he became a "Man of Peace"
Then , order for yourself a cup of coffee,
sit down , rest and think for a while.......
If by then ,
you are still not convinced by the arguments you have heard
from those well wishers.....
then release that detonator !!
This man under intensive care will anyhow die,
with or without your suicide , my brother ,
your real enemies are
those who have called him a "Hero"
and could not convince you why.
( nor me)
Raja Chemayel
8th of Jan.06
Al Awda’s founder, Mazen Qumsiyeh was quoted at the Duke ISM Conference as saying that Jews who live in Israel are “a disease” and “must all leave.” Qumsiyeh
is on the steering committee for the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
and, according to ex-PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat, Qumsiyeh is a former member of the PFLP, recognized as a terrorist group by the US State Department. He was also
denied tenure at Yale after sending out what was deemed an anti-Semitic email on
the universitys servers. See:
(4) The ISM has provided "safe house" assistance for actual terrorists.
"Susan Barclay, the
ISM organizer deported by Israel after she hid Islamic Jihad terrorist
Shadi Sukiya in the ISM office in Jenin, told the Seattle Post
Intelligencer that, "she knowingly worked with representatives from
Hamas and Islamic Jihad— terrorist groups that sponsor suicide bombings
and exist, according to their charters, to demolish the Jewish state
entirely." (Seattle Post Intelligencer, Thursday March 20, 2003,
"Activist's death focuses spotlight on Mideast struggle," By Sam
Skolnik, Seattle Post-Intelligencer reporter.)
"Days before a British suicide bomber detonated an explosives belt in
Mike's Place, a bar in suburban Tel Aviv, the bomber and an associate
took tea with members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a
pro-Palestinian group that promotes non-violent resistance to Israeli
"The immediate goal
of the ISM is to hamper the ability of the IDF to prevent terrorist
attacks on civilians." "The ISM sees itself as working in tandem with
the terrorist organizations: Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Al Aksa Martyrs
Brigade. Those organizations use violent means, while the ISM undertakes
such aggressive non-violent actions as blocking the progress of Israeli
soldiers on their way to arrest terrorists. The intention of the ISM in
these actions is to protect terrorists from interference by the IDF."
Paul LaRudee of Norcal ISM, another affiliate of your campaign, was arrested
and deported by Israel for suspected links to Hamas. LaRudee, who like Joseph Carr
has admitted to entering Israel more than once under an assumed name has boasted about sleeping in the bed of a suicide bomber and most recently was a human shield for the Hizballah in Lebanon during the last war. (See: )
The suggestion that people should view your conference as a Jew Hate Fest is accurate. As part of the Boycott Israel campaign, the Palestine Solidarity Movement, of which your organization is a part, held workshops identifying various Jewish-American organizations to be boycotted as well allegedly for their support of Israel. Since all groups and individuals participating at these conferences agree to the same points of unity and solidarity with the same goal, it certainly applies to your organization as well. I am aware the three of you, or at least two, who wrote the letter may be of Jewish descent, however, this does not mitigate activities that are targeted against Jews. The Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were rounded up by the Nazis by the Jewish Police and many Jews were turned in by fellow Jews known as “Jew catchers” by the Nazis for money. In addition, you state your campaign is “committed to organizing an anti-racist framework and working to counteract manifestations of racism in all forms.” This flies in the face of your chosen leaders willingness to work with Hamas as she has freely admitted to. We recommend you read the Hamas Charter. It specifies the annihilation of Jews in Israel and propagates the blood libel of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. If you were unaware, then would you please write us that you condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization that should be closed down and ask Ms. Arraf to resign as the “President” of your organization? In addition, I can find no condemnations of Jews in Israel being murdered via terrorism or suicide bombings on your website.
You state that your organization was not founded by Huwaida Arraf, but others in 2002. Can you produce for me corporate documents to that effect? Ms. Arraf herself announced the opening of your offices in Washington DC as well as your new website whereas your previous offices were in New York. Prior to your receiving nonprofit corporate status in 2006, were you ever a legal entity? Please send us proof of your incorporation as a legal entity in 2002. While you are at it, can you send me your foundation’s grants records and other sources of funding
Your organization promotes divestments and boycotts of Jews in Israel through starving them out financially. These activities of yours and your ISM and associated anti-Israel allies result in 30% of Israel’s children and the elderly going to bed hungry at night or forced to eat in soup kitchens. This is indeed hatred of Jews and the same tactic of economic boycotts of Jews was the first tactic of the Nazis in 1933 that ultimately led to the Holocaust. The code talk you use is fairly obvious and we at The American Thinker do not fall for it.
If someone using the same technique were to say Black people cannot live in Washington, DC where your offices are, yet does say they can live anywhere else in the world, and that they should be boycotted and starved until they leave, it does not make them any less racist against Black people. The same applies to your organization’s alliances and support for a campaign to starve out, dispossess or even kill the Jews residing in Israel or in the disputed territories of the West Bank, while claiming you will embrace Jews who will help you dismantle the Jewish state.
One of your authorized representatives has openly spoken out for the destruction of Israel. Noura Erekat, who is listed on your website as an official “grassroots organizer”and legal advisor (see: )for your campaign sent another email out recently stating that all of Israel even within the 1948 armistice lines is “occupied” and should be dissolved and asks for volunteers to help her do so. See( Do you intend to force her resignation along with that of Ms. Arraf as a result these revelations? Mr. Erekat can also be viewed on You Tube at these addresses: and where she refuses to condemn a call by Bin Laden to kill Jews and is introduced as your campaign’s “legal advisor” (also listed as such on your website (see: ).
At the same time you mention Al Awda as a “member organization” of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. Al Awda advocates nothing less than the end of Israel. In addition, Al Awda was recently revealed to have connections to the Aryan Brotherhood,an anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi organization by me that resulted in UC Riverside canceling their “international” conference there. Do you intend to demand their removal from your “non-racist” organization? (See: ).
We also note that your elected President, Ms. Arraf, has spoken on behalf of the Council for the National Interest that is openly known to be anti-Semitic and run by Paul Findley.
Your organization has also opposed congressional action to try and stop Palestinian terrorism: (see: ).
Your website was indeed registered to a Nadil Ghaith from the UAE at the same time Ms. Arraf announced the organization’s offices were opening in Washington DC in 2005. Originally registered at , (see: ) your organization deleted that domain name on April 7, 2005, only days before creating the new domain name with Radical Designs (see: ) Mr. Ghaith lists his residence in the UAE but has also turned up in Jerusalem. If your organization was originally involved with someone in the UAE who registered the domain name, and also represents the interests of the Palestinian Authority, then you definitely should be registered as foreign agents. I speculated in my article that Suleiman Ghaith, a top level al Qaeda operative, may belong to the same clan as Nadil Ghaith .
You deny that your organization undertakes strident attempts at promoting a boycott of American Jewish groups and to economically cripple Jewish businesses. Yet on your website you single out the Estee Lauder company, Ron Lauders’ business for a boycott among several other American Jewish-owned businesses. Your “member organizations” (your own description) also held a seminar at Duke University given by Mr. Abe Greenhouse outlining American Jewish businesses to be boycotted or even infiltrated as part of a campaign against Israel.
You state in your letter to us that you respect international law, yet do not condemn terrorism against Israelis. International law per Resolution 242 does not make the Jewish communities in the West Bank illegal, yet you recommend boycotting Jews and Jewish businesses in the US and abroad to force these Jews to lose their homes as somehow being necessary per international law. Eugene Rostow who helped author the resolution has stated the Israeli communities in the West Bank and Gaza are not illegal per his own resolution. We were wondering where you all earned your degrees in International Law and if you were aware of these discrepancies?
We note you take exception to our stated opinion that the activities of your organization only serve to make the Israeli/Palestinian dispute an unending affair. We note that in his official capacity as a leader in the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Josh Ruebner is mentioned as being on the steering committee of Leslie Cagan’s United for Peace and Justice Coalition (see: ). UFPJ is in fact the revamped Communist Party USA (see: ) and Mr. Rubener seems to have had more than a passing association with over the last several years. The Communist Party USA platform is against the existence of Israel and its replacement by an Arab- dominated state called Palestine.
The above information, merely scratching the surface, reveals both the inaccuracies of your letter to me and facts that you do not seem to want the American people to know.
Finally, your website and organization falsely states that Israel is an “apartheid state” like South Africa used to be. Apartheid in South Africa was based on racial laws, Blacks were forced to live in certain areas and had fewer civil rights than Whites. This is not the case with Israel where all minorities have equal civil rights by law. Israeli Arabs enjoy the same civil rights as Jews and even have affirmative action programs giving them more rights than some Israeli Jews. At the same time, in the Palestinian Authority it is a death sentence to sell land to a Jew and Sharia Law is part of the constitution the same as in Saudi Arabia or Iran. While 20% of Israelis are Arabs with equal rights, the Palestinian Authority insists the West Bank and Gaza must be “Jew-free.” That is the only true apartheid going on in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, and your organizations twisting of these facts only further reveal an attempt at deception among those whose opinions you seek to sway against Israel. We at American Thinker find your racist attitudes against Jews residing in the Middle East objectionable and reveal deception in your alleged anti-racist platform.
Given the above information, and the plethora of other information I have, I must reject your request for an apology and retraction. However, I would like to know since given the information I have provided you, if you intend to do any housecleaning in your own organization?
Lee Kaplan
Posted by Lee Kaplan at 10:05 AM
Winged Hussar 1683 said...
Re: "At the same time you mention Al Awda as a “member organization” of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation." Contrary to the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation's claim that it seeks only to end Israel's "occupation" of the West Bank and Gaza, Al Awda maps show "Palestine" as extending "from the river to the sea."
The difference between "Where's Waldo?" and "Where's Israel in the Al-Awda maps?" is that Waldo is actually IN those pictures somewhere, while Israel appears nowhere on Al Awda's maps. This is simply one of many pieces of evidence that the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is lying.
As for boycotts...I have a screenshot of a page in which the US Campaign advocates an "international boycott of Israel." Another of their Web pages says they might try to coordinate these efforts with the Arab League. "Boycotts and divestment: It was felt that we should work for CAT-free-zones all over the country, pushing boycotts and/or divestment on every entity that builds/owns stock. There was also support for approaching Arab and Muslim contractors here and abroad, as well as the Arab League and various governments to boycott CAT equipment."
"In cooperation with a foreign government" might violate antiboycott laws and be cause for revocation of their tax exemption.
Posted by Lee Kaplan at 8:56 AM
They're at it again. Thanks to the Internet, smearing and lying one's way around for anti-Semitic and terrorist groups is just so easy. The latest google search under my name apparently leads to an image and link of a "cease and desist" letter from Huwaida Arraf's and Josh Ruebner's anti-Israel ISM propaganda campaign in Washington where they claim I misrepresented them. You see, these people are inveterate liars for Arab and particualrly Saudi money. I really don't like blogging. This site came into existence from what once was another anti-Israel activist's smear site called Lee Kaplan Watch. I sued the creator and collected monetary damages as well as this blog.
Anyhoo, the ISM gang thinks that by pushing their phony "cease and desist" letter up the ranks of the Google search that they can discredit me. Below is a reprint of my response to that letter. Feel free to email me at if you wish to comment:
Lee Kaplan's Blog
Investigative journalism, foreign policy, Israel, Iraq, the Middle East, Homeland Security and the War on Terror. Exclusive material to read. News unseen in mainstream media but needed to know in a dangerous world.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation recently sent me a
"cease and desist" letter due to my exposure of them as part of
the ISM and how they will be holding another Jew hatefest at
George Mason University. You can read their letter at:
Below is my response:
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
P.O. Box 21539
Washington, DC 20009
RE: “Your cease and desist” letter:
Dear Sirs:
The article of mine, that appeared on The American Thinker web log, "George Mason University to Host Next ISM Conference” ( that the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation refers to, as written, is neither inaccurate nor defamatory, unless you consider the activities of your organization as defaming itself. I, on the other hand, consider your letter as a threat and attempt at intimidation to my rights of free speech.
The American people are not fools, but certain organizations do seek to fool them. When an organization such as yours presents itself as seeking “peace” but in fact supports and works closely with myriad organizations that openly advocate for war on and the destruction of the democratic and pluralistic state of Israel, I feel it is my journalistic duty to alert the public to these events.
Your claims notwithstanding on your website that you only seek to end the “occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem” are belied by both your organization’s actions, as well as the actions and admitted positions of your own representative leadership and close affiliates as I will expose in this letter. I submit that your leadership and organization are guilty of something known as “lying by omission,” or leaving out just enough information to convey a false impression while presenting a kernel of truth in a statement. In this regard, the authors of your letter, particularly Mr. Ruebner, do not mention they support unconditionally the Arab “Right of Return” in addition to the creation of a Palestinian state, a concept whereby 5 million Arabs would be allowed to move within Israel’s 1949 borders so as to demographically overrun the Jewish population and dismantle the state. You can read more about Mr. Ruebner here:
( ).
Responding to your bullet points:
Bullet point number 1:
You take issue with the statement that the International Solidarity Movement is “scheduling” your conference.
According to the personal explanation of Adam Shapiro, who Lee Kaplan personally interviewed at the 2003 Ohio State Divestment Conference and the husband of your chosen leader, Huwaida Arraf, both of whom are co-founders of the ISM, The International Solidarity Movement is the name used by the Palestine Solidarity Movement (PSM) when it operates in the West Bank and Gaza and is comprised of myriad anti-Israel groups (one of which is yours). The ISM and PSM are not official groups or corporations, but represent all of these groups working in unison-“solidarity” toward a common goal in opposing Israel’s existence as a Jewish state and replacing it with Arab-dominated “Palestine.” Among these groups are many who call themselves ISM, but also groups such as Al Awda, SUSTAIN, Students for Justice in Palestine, Women In Black, as well as the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.
Shapiro explained that the ISM is an umbrella organization. As such, if one segment is closed down by the authorities, the others can continue operating. In addition, if one arm of the umbrella makes statements such as was done by Charlotte Kates (See:
who I believe is affiliated with your organization as well, and who stated that Israeli children are “fair game” for terrorist attacks, the others can deny she speaks for them. Hence, the fact this conference is an organizational meeting of the multiple layers of leadership of the ISM, be it under the name US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation or not, it is still an ISM organizational meeting according to the attendees. In fact, you bill it as a National Organizer’s Conference meeting in solidarity to promote divestment against Israel, an ISM program.
By your own admission in your letter, your elected leader and President is in fact a self-admitted co-founder and current leader of the ISM, Huwaida Arraf, who has admitted she works in cooperation with Hamas. The Hamas charter calls for the annihilation of Israel as a Jewish state and the expulsion of all Jews from what is today the state of Israel. See: .
Nice company you keep.
Other individuals who belong to the ISM, yet curiously are also listed as members-at-large in your organization include Ms. Kates, Abe Greenhouse, Joseph Carr and others who have been exposed as higher level activists within the ISM.
Regarding earlier conferences held by your organization: (See: )
From an announcement of a conference held by your organization in Kansas City, Mo.
Saturday, November 13, 2004 - University of Missouri--Kansas City, Missouri
Regional Conference to “End the Occupation”
Sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to the End the Occupation and the International Solidarity Movement .
Citizens for Justice in the Middle East, a regional anti-Israel group based at the University of Missouri—Kansas City, is bringing the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, the International Solidarity Movement and other anti-Israel activists together for a regional conference devoted to changing U.S. policy toward Israel. The event will feature speakers who support divestment from Israel, the elimination of U.S. aid to Israel and contesting Israeli security measures. Notable speakers include Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies, Huwaida Arraf of ISM and the U.S. Campaign’s Josh Ruebner.
I note the following statement from your own website about your first conference (see: ):
“Coordinating with the work of the ISM…” An activity your organization has done
since its alleged inception per your website.
Following are some of the activities of the ISM with whom you “coordinate”:
(1) The ISM says openly that it has direct contacts with Foreign
Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) as defined by the U.S. State Department
(2) The ISM says openly that it recruits American college students in
the hope of getting them hurt or killed in confrontations with Israeli
military forces, for propaganda purposes (e.g. Rachel Corrie).
(3) An ISM affiliate (Al-Awda) have allegedly solicited acts of
terroristic violence on the Internet: specifically the suicide bombing
of Ariel Sharon's hospital room.
(4) The ISM has provided "safe house" assistance for actual terrorists.
(1) The International Solidarity Movement has direct contacts with
Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorists. We direct your
attention to "Huwaida Arraf" on the Steering Committee of U.S. Campaign
to End the Occupation. Note that this is from their own Web site. says,
Current Steering Committee members of the US Campaign, followed by the
year in which their terms end, are:
* Huwaida Arraf (2007) - International Solidarity Movement
* Phyllis Bennis (2009) - Institute for Policy Studies
* Felicia Eaves (2009) - Black Voices for Peace
Now we have Huwaida Arraf's letter to the Washington Post (February 2007)
Eric Adler and Jack Langer disparaged the
International Solidarity Movement(ISM),a movement
that I co-founded in the spring of 2001
in the occupied territories of the West Bank,
the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem to help draw
attention to the human rights abuses suffered by
Palestinians as a result of Israel's occupation.
The ISM also is a resource for Palestinian nonviolent
resistance to the occupation. The ISM believes that
average civilians can bring about change, and it tries
to unite Palestinians, Israelis and other people in
nonviolent resistance to Israel's occupation policies.
When I "acknowledged" that the ISM
"cooperates with Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad
and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,"
I was offering concrete examples of the ways
in which these groups were engaging in nonviolent resistance.
Both the ISM and the Palestine Solidarity Movement
advocate nonviolent resistance to Israel's human rights abuses
-- the ISM through organized action in the occupied territories
and the PSM by promoting international divestment from
companies that profit from occupation.
(2) The International Solidarity Movement recruits
American college students for the purpose of getting
them hurt or killed in confrontations with the
Israeli Defense Forces. This is what happened to
Evergreen College student Rachel Corrie in
March 2003. Two ISM members stated openly that
they had a motive for wanting her dead. While GMU
students are legal adults, is this an activity to
which GMU really wants to expose them?
"Recently, the Director of the Solidarity Movement,
George Rishmawi, explained to the San Francisco Chronicle
that the recruitment of American student volunteers
is useful to the Palestinian Movement because
'if some of these foreign volunteers get shot or
even killed, then the international media will
sit up and take notice.'"
Joseph Smith, a.k.a. Joseph Carr, who was present
when Corrie died, and whose highest priority was
apparently to take pictures, said
"The spirit that she died for is worth a life.
This idea of resistance, this spirit of resisting
this brutal occupying force, is worth anything. And
many, many, many Palestinians give their lives for
it all the time. So the life of one international,
I feel, is more than worth the spirit of resisting
oppression." (Rachel Corrie's life, as opposed to his
own, of course.) Read more on Joseph Smith/Carr here:
A Hamas terrorist said openly that Rachel Corrie
was worth more dead than alive.
"'Her death serves me more than it served her,' said one
activist at a Hamas funeral yesterday.
'...Her death will bring more attention than
the other 2,000 martyrs.'" Making of a Martyr
by Sandra Jordan, Guardian Newspapers. Ms.Arraf,
your elected President, admits to working with Hamas.
(3)An ISM and US Camapign to End the Israeli Occupation
affiliate(Al-Awda) has allegedly solicited acts of terrorist
violence on the Internet: specifically the suicide bombing
of Ariel Sharon's hospital room.
A member of Al-Awda (Right of Return), an International Solidarity
Movement affiliate, allegedly posted a solicitation for a "martyr" to
bomb the Hadassah Hospital in Israel, where Ariel Sharon is being
treated for a stroke. (This was, incidentally, forwarded to law
enforcement when we saw it.)
From: raja chemayel
Mailing-List: list
; contact
Delivered-To: mailing list
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 19:35:29 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [AL-AWDA] open letter to the next Suicide-Bomber
Open letter to
the next
Dear Abou el Fidda' ,
If you are next Martyr on the waiting list
get started and pack your heavy-stuff ,
kiss the hand of your mother
kiss goodbye you bothers and sisters
kiss the hand of your father
put on that heavy-jacket.......
Take the Express-Bus to Jerusalem-Central
and then take bus Nr. 17 which takes you to Haddasah
then step out at the Bus-Station called the :
"Hospital for War Criminal"
Show you Fake-Press-Card to the Security
and speak with an American-accent
walk slowly and do not attract attention......
Enter the main-Hall and walk straight to the VIP- elevator
tell them Mr. Wolf Blitzer has sent you.....!!
Go up to the seventh floor........
look for the room 714........ (intensive care)
and then slowly but surely hold on to that detonator
under your jacket.......
Once you reach that very-well-guarded-room # 714
stop and turn left.....
you will see a large "VIP-Waiting-Hall"
with the many Dignitaries from many countries
including ,unfortunatly, some Arab-countries......
who came to pay their respect to their dying-Hero.
Show again your fake-Press-Card and start
interviewing those "well-wishers".........
and ask them what made this man a Hero ??
and how come he became a "Man of Peace"
Then , order for yourself a cup of coffee,
sit down , rest and think for a while.......
If by then ,
you are still not convinced by the arguments you have heard
from those well wishers.....
then release that detonator !!
This man under intensive care will anyhow die,
with or without your suicide , my brother ,
your real enemies are
those who have called him a "Hero"
and could not convince you why.
( nor me)
Raja Chemayel
8th of Jan.06
Al Awda’s founder, Mazen Qumsiyeh was quoted at the Duke ISM Conference as saying that Jews who live in Israel are “a disease” and “must all leave.” Qumsiyeh
is on the steering committee for the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
and, according to ex-PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat, Qumsiyeh is a former member of the PFLP, recognized as a terrorist group by the US State Department. He was also
denied tenure at Yale after sending out what was deemed an anti-Semitic email on
the universitys servers. See:
(4) The ISM has provided "safe house" assistance for actual terrorists.
"Susan Barclay, the
ISM organizer deported by Israel after she hid Islamic Jihad terrorist
Shadi Sukiya in the ISM office in Jenin, told the Seattle Post
Intelligencer that, "she knowingly worked with representatives from
Hamas and Islamic Jihad— terrorist groups that sponsor suicide bombings
and exist, according to their charters, to demolish the Jewish state
entirely." (Seattle Post Intelligencer, Thursday March 20, 2003,
"Activist's death focuses spotlight on Mideast struggle," By Sam
Skolnik, Seattle Post-Intelligencer reporter.)
"Days before a British suicide bomber detonated an explosives belt in
Mike's Place, a bar in suburban Tel Aviv, the bomber and an associate
took tea with members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a
pro-Palestinian group that promotes non-violent resistance to Israeli
"The immediate goal
of the ISM is to hamper the ability of the IDF to prevent terrorist
attacks on civilians." "The ISM sees itself as working in tandem with
the terrorist organizations: Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Al Aksa Martyrs
Brigade. Those organizations use violent means, while the ISM undertakes
such aggressive non-violent actions as blocking the progress of Israeli
soldiers on their way to arrest terrorists. The intention of the ISM in
these actions is to protect terrorists from interference by the IDF."
Paul LaRudee of Norcal ISM, another affiliate of your campaign, was arrested
and deported by Israel for suspected links to Hamas. LaRudee, who like Joseph Carr
has admitted to entering Israel more than once under an assumed name has boasted about sleeping in the bed of a suicide bomber and most recently was a human shield for the Hizballah in Lebanon during the last war. (See: )
The suggestion that people should view your conference as a Jew Hate Fest is accurate. As part of the Boycott Israel campaign, the Palestine Solidarity Movement, of which your organization is a part, held workshops identifying various Jewish-American organizations to be boycotted as well allegedly for their support of Israel. Since all groups and individuals participating at these conferences agree to the same points of unity and solidarity with the same goal, it certainly applies to your organization as well. I am aware the three of you, or at least two, who wrote the letter may be of Jewish descent, however, this does not mitigate activities that are targeted against Jews. The Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were rounded up by the Nazis by the Jewish Police and many Jews were turned in by fellow Jews known as “Jew catchers” by the Nazis for money. In addition, you state your campaign is “committed to organizing an anti-racist framework and working to counteract manifestations of racism in all forms.” This flies in the face of your chosen leaders willingness to work with Hamas as she has freely admitted to. We recommend you read the Hamas Charter. It specifies the annihilation of Jews in Israel and propagates the blood libel of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. If you were unaware, then would you please write us that you condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization that should be closed down and ask Ms. Arraf to resign as the “President” of your organization? In addition, I can find no condemnations of Jews in Israel being murdered via terrorism or suicide bombings on your website.
You state that your organization was not founded by Huwaida Arraf, but others in 2002. Can you produce for me corporate documents to that effect? Ms. Arraf herself announced the opening of your offices in Washington DC as well as your new website whereas your previous offices were in New York. Prior to your receiving nonprofit corporate status in 2006, were you ever a legal entity? Please send us proof of your incorporation as a legal entity in 2002. While you are at it, can you send me your foundation’s grants records and other sources of funding
Your organization promotes divestments and boycotts of Jews in Israel through starving them out financially. These activities of yours and your ISM and associated anti-Israel allies result in 30% of Israel’s children and the elderly going to bed hungry at night or forced to eat in soup kitchens. This is indeed hatred of Jews and the same tactic of economic boycotts of Jews was the first tactic of the Nazis in 1933 that ultimately led to the Holocaust. The code talk you use is fairly obvious and we at The American Thinker do not fall for it.
If someone using the same technique were to say Black people cannot live in Washington, DC where your offices are, yet does say they can live anywhere else in the world, and that they should be boycotted and starved until they leave, it does not make them any less racist against Black people. The same applies to your organization’s alliances and support for a campaign to starve out, dispossess or even kill the Jews residing in Israel or in the disputed territories of the West Bank, while claiming you will embrace Jews who will help you dismantle the Jewish state.
One of your authorized representatives has openly spoken out for the destruction of Israel. Noura Erekat, who is listed on your website as an official “grassroots organizer”and legal advisor (see: )for your campaign sent another email out recently stating that all of Israel even within the 1948 armistice lines is “occupied” and should be dissolved and asks for volunteers to help her do so. See( Do you intend to force her resignation along with that of Ms. Arraf as a result these revelations? Mr. Erekat can also be viewed on You Tube at these addresses: and where she refuses to condemn a call by Bin Laden to kill Jews and is introduced as your campaign’s “legal advisor” (also listed as such on your website (see: ).
At the same time you mention Al Awda as a “member organization” of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. Al Awda advocates nothing less than the end of Israel. In addition, Al Awda was recently revealed to have connections to the Aryan Brotherhood,an anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi organization by me that resulted in UC Riverside canceling their “international” conference there. Do you intend to demand their removal from your “non-racist” organization? (See: ).
We also note that your elected President, Ms. Arraf, has spoken on behalf of the Council for the National Interest that is openly known to be anti-Semitic and run by Paul Findley.
Your organization has also opposed congressional action to try and stop Palestinian terrorism: (see: ).
Your website was indeed registered to a Nadil Ghaith from the UAE at the same time Ms. Arraf announced the organization’s offices were opening in Washington DC in 2005. Originally registered at , (see: ) your organization deleted that domain name on April 7, 2005, only days before creating the new domain name with Radical Designs (see: ) Mr. Ghaith lists his residence in the UAE but has also turned up in Jerusalem. If your organization was originally involved with someone in the UAE who registered the domain name, and also represents the interests of the Palestinian Authority, then you definitely should be registered as foreign agents. I speculated in my article that Suleiman Ghaith, a top level al Qaeda operative, may belong to the same clan as Nadil Ghaith .
You deny that your organization undertakes strident attempts at promoting a boycott of American Jewish groups and to economically cripple Jewish businesses. Yet on your website you single out the Estee Lauder company, Ron Lauders’ business for a boycott among several other American Jewish-owned businesses. Your “member organizations” (your own description) also held a seminar at Duke University given by Mr. Abe Greenhouse outlining American Jewish businesses to be boycotted or even infiltrated as part of a campaign against Israel.
You state in your letter to us that you respect international law, yet do not condemn terrorism against Israelis. International law per Resolution 242 does not make the Jewish communities in the West Bank illegal, yet you recommend boycotting Jews and Jewish businesses in the US and abroad to force these Jews to lose their homes as somehow being necessary per international law. Eugene Rostow who helped author the resolution has stated the Israeli communities in the West Bank and Gaza are not illegal per his own resolution. We were wondering where you all earned your degrees in International Law and if you were aware of these discrepancies?
We note you take exception to our stated opinion that the activities of your organization only serve to make the Israeli/Palestinian dispute an unending affair. We note that in his official capacity as a leader in the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Josh Ruebner is mentioned as being on the steering committee of Leslie Cagan’s United for Peace and Justice Coalition (see: ). UFPJ is in fact the revamped Communist Party USA (see: ) and Mr. Rubener seems to have had more than a passing association with over the last several years. The Communist Party USA platform is against the existence of Israel and its replacement by an Arab- dominated state called Palestine.
The above information, merely scratching the surface, reveals both the inaccuracies of your letter to me and facts that you do not seem to want the American people to know.
Finally, your website and organization falsely states that Israel is an “apartheid state” like South Africa used to be. Apartheid in South Africa was based on racial laws, Blacks were forced to live in certain areas and had fewer civil rights than Whites. This is not the case with Israel where all minorities have equal civil rights by law. Israeli Arabs enjoy the same civil rights as Jews and even have affirmative action programs giving them more rights than some Israeli Jews. At the same time, in the Palestinian Authority it is a death sentence to sell land to a Jew and Sharia Law is part of the constitution the same as in Saudi Arabia or Iran. While 20% of Israelis are Arabs with equal rights, the Palestinian Authority insists the West Bank and Gaza must be “Jew-free.” That is the only true apartheid going on in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, and your organizations twisting of these facts only further reveal an attempt at deception among those whose opinions you seek to sway against Israel. We at American Thinker find your racist attitudes against Jews residing in the Middle East objectionable and reveal deception in your alleged anti-racist platform.
Given the above information, and the plethora of other information I have, I must reject your request for an apology and retraction. However, I would like to know since given the information I have provided you, if you intend to do any housecleaning in your own organization?
Lee Kaplan
Posted by Lee Kaplan at 10:05 AM
Winged Hussar 1683 said...
Re: "At the same time you mention Al Awda as a “member organization” of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation." Contrary to the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation's claim that it seeks only to end Israel's "occupation" of the West Bank and Gaza, Al Awda maps show "Palestine" as extending "from the river to the sea."
The difference between "Where's Waldo?" and "Where's Israel in the Al-Awda maps?" is that Waldo is actually IN those pictures somewhere, while Israel appears nowhere on Al Awda's maps. This is simply one of many pieces of evidence that the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is lying.
As for boycotts...I have a screenshot of a page in which the US Campaign advocates an "international boycott of Israel." Another of their Web pages says they might try to coordinate these efforts with the Arab League. "Boycotts and divestment: It was felt that we should work for CAT-free-zones all over the country, pushing boycotts and/or divestment on every entity that builds/owns stock. There was also support for approaching Arab and Muslim contractors here and abroad, as well as the Arab League and various governments to boycott CAT equipment."
"In cooperation with a foreign government" might violate antiboycott laws and be cause for revocation of their tax exemption.
Posted by Lee Kaplan at 8:56 AM
Friday, March 19, 2010
For details of what went on inside at the Fifth Annual Al Awda Regional Planning Conference go to and read my report.
The Northeast Intelligence Network suplies a lot of intelligence material to US law enforcement and decided to run my article. Please visit their website and link to it for the future.
Meanwhile. Al Awda is planning its next International conference in Anaheim for end of April, beginning of May. EMail the manager there Dominic Acolino to not let them hold yet another Jew hate fest at a Hilton Hotel. Incredibly, Hilton Hotels is on
Al Awda's boycott list. Ah, well, anything for a buck, eh?
Acolino's email address:
You can also EMail Hilton's President who likes to leave the decision up to Acolino.
The Northeast Intelligence Network suplies a lot of intelligence material to US law enforcement and decided to run my article. Please visit their website and link to it for the future.
Meanwhile. Al Awda is planning its next International conference in Anaheim for end of April, beginning of May. EMail the manager there Dominic Acolino to not let them hold yet another Jew hate fest at a Hilton Hotel. Incredibly, Hilton Hotels is on
Al Awda's boycott list. Ah, well, anything for a buck, eh?
Acolino's email address:
You can also EMail Hilton's President who likes to leave the decision up to Acolino.
Monday, February 15, 2010

La Mesa, California Mayor Art Madrid sees nothing wrong with hosting Jew-haters and groups that fund terrorism for "planning conferences" in his city. Students for Justice in Palestine who sponsored the event, openly have praised terrorist murderers like Leila Khaled pictured here:

Read about PFLP terrorist Leila Khaled here:
Less than 50 people showed up for the event at the La Mesa Community Center after SDSU gave them the boot. Meanwhile, this was the SECOND TIME Madrid has allowed the Hezbollah-Hamas-Taliban-Iran supporting group to use city facilities for strategy and planning sessions in time of war after they were kicked off a California campus. It was only last month that Al Awda's co-founder Jess Ghannam was in Gaza bringing cash to aid Hamas. The divestment and boycott strategies to be used against Jews planned at Al Awda events smack of the same divestment and boycott schemes that the Nazis in Germany first used in going after the Jews.
I was undercover this weekend at the Al Awda West Coast Planning Conference. I'll have a detailed report and videos from the event to reveal what went on inside. Meanwhile, I want to comment about La Mesa's "City Manager" or Mayor, Art Madrid, who allowed this obnoxious event to go forward in La Mesa's community center. Madrid, an ex-marine himself, saw nothing wrong with giving a venue to an organization that openly supports and praises Hezbollah that murdered 241 US marines in Beirut in 1983 and openly supports the Taliban and Iraqi insurgents who kill our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Students for Justice in Palestine at SDSU who sponsored this event also have praised Leila Khaled who murdered US Navy diver Robart Stethem during an airplane hijacking by the PFLP in Beirut. The administration at San Diego State where they were kicked out from before going to La Mesa looked at my proof that Al Awda 1) Is anti-Semitic and has worked with the US Nazi Party 2) Has been proven to as recently as last month giving money and material aid to Hamas, a known terrorist organization 3) Supports the activities of terrorists like Leila Khaled 4)seeks boycotts against American and Israeli businesses that employ Jews 5) seeks to get US universities to discriminate against Jews as subterfuge and to promote war on Israel.
Madrid, it seems, was once found lying drunk in the middle of the road in La Mesa by the police department. It figures. This is the guy who obviously did not look at the copious documentation I sent him about Al Awda or chose to ignore it entirely. It's
because of people like Madrid that the War on Terror goes on forever. I asked Madrid if he would allow a similar meeting held by the Ku Klux Klan calling for boycotting African-Americans in La Mesa's community center and he replied that he absolutely would!!! I believe him because he is intellectually lazy and stands on no pinciples at all, least of all those of our patriotic marines. Hopefully, the voters of La Mesa will recall this event during the next election there. And thank God the administrators at SDSU had the good sense to read everything. For more on that, see my previous posts.
Of those who did show up to protest, there were two women who were accosted by Zahi Damuni and Jess Ghannam outside and denied admittance to learn just what was being said inside. These two men are co-founders of Al Awda along with Mazen Qumsiyeh, a PFLP acolyte presently living in Beit Sahour in the Palestinian Authority.

Zahi Damuni

Jess Ghannam
One of the women was driven to tears as Damuni and Ghannam yelled at her, "You're not wanted here" and ordered the Arab-American students present to not speak to her. Were this only an event related to free speech like Madrid, the street sleeper, tried to suggest, then why the secrecy behind closed doors at a taxpayer-paid facility? The answer is simple: At one point two of the Arab-American students present asked if given Al Awda's goal of taking ALL OF ISRAEL back, if it was achieved, what would happen to the Jews living there, Damuni refused to answer the question because he knew the answer: they are to all be killed or deported.
Al Awda is no different than the German-American Bund before World War II. They support America's enemies while we are at war and even raise money for them. Art Madrid told the woman who protested this event that I had "personal reasons" for trying to get this event canceled in La Mesa after getting it canceled previously at SDSU and UC Riverside.
He didn't tell her what "personal reasons" meant, but I can explain them: I am a Jew and a patriotic American. To an obtuse personality like Madrid, taxpayer-funded faciltiies can be used by those who attack a minority group and give succor to the enemies our soldiers fight in the middle of a war. Disgraceful.
Be sure and read the touching emails below from the women who confronted Madrid and the fascists at the Al Awda conference. Their last names were removed for privacy issues. I'll have a more detailed report on the Conference with recordings and videos later this week:
I went to Al Awda today. I saw the devil with my own eyes. I spoke with the members from SDSU, only children, but hating America. I saw the professors who came to speak. I heard them yelling and demeaning my country. One by one, men came and yelled at me as I stood.... alone. One woman, one mother, one wife, one daughter and my police stood against me - THEY TOOK MY CHAIR as I stood alone. I saw the depth of our problem, how far we have strayed. I asked my policeman, "Whom shall I trust?" I am ashamed to say, I broke down and cried. I felt afraid and I could not return to my car.
But while all this was happening, I talked to the children.... for hours. These things were but interludes, hindering my work. The students, maybe 6 in number, talked to me. They saw what happened and while they spewed evil about my beloved country, if I listened attentively, they'd listen right back at me. I was able to give one a pocket Constitution. They each admitted that they could not name five founding fathers, yet were attending college. They listened as I told them what makes America great. I told them so many things and.... it was good.
Except for the others. They were getting angry at me but, I had my rights with me and I had the Creator who gave them to me.
These students, they knew every evil taught them, they were predicatble. They watched as their heros came and attacked me with lies and they knew they were lying about saying I was doing things I was not. And... it was good. We talked about it between each evil interloper who would come to yell at me hoping to intimidate or scare me into leaving. They watched as men stood inches away from me in stand-offs, demanding that I leave, "I was not welcome." Truly, they thundered at me.
The students watched as I stood alone and told these men, each as he boomed at me, "I am not leaving, I have a right to be here. STOP TALKING TO ME AND GET AWAY FROM ME." But, I did not move. These men were angry. They hated our country. They were planning. They had a box for donations with words I'm not going to type. No cursing but, I just don't want to type them. The students did not like what they saw... no, not at all. And I used it. Eventually, the students were ordered not to speak to me. Yet, I could still speak to them. This worked out better than I could have dreamed. I told them, "Can't you see these are angry people? Why do they hate me? Is it because my hair is blonde?" They could not answer. I used it some more. I told them, "I am sorry you aren't allowed to talk to me." They would smile. "I've never been around people before who weren't allowed to talk to me."
Then I told them of these men's hearts. I told the students that they were so nice to me and how I enjoyed talking with them. Told them they were nice. But the adults inside, most especially two specific men, the meanest, their hearts were hardened, I told the children. We must look at our foundation and what was so good about America that men traveled from all over the world to come here. So many died. They sought freedom. America, the beacon to the world. I even got in some 500 Year Leap material!
I did not get home until 3:00 p.m. because there was no one else to do it and I felt it had to be done. Everyone at the seminars, even our own university professors will not forget me. Neither will the children. Not for some time anyway. An impact was made.
Maybe there was one child that learned something in those hours. Maybe one will be saved. I wanted so much to go to I-Caucus but I guess I have to trust that I was where I was supposed to be on this day because as much as today was a profoundly disturbing & heartbraching experience for me, God has a plan.
I just wish he'd tell it to the cops. Oh, I should add that by the end, one of the cops told me that they (3) had a discussion about me and were all talking about what big _ _ _ _ I have. So that's good!
Psalm 121
Below are email exchanges between Mayor Madrid and the other woman present that day prior to the event being held on February 13th, 2010.
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 11:45 AM
To: 'Art Madrid'
Subject: RE: Al Awda
Mayor Madrid,
Your response to my inquiry was quite disturbing for a number of reasons which I have detailed here.
After this response to your writing, I have listed specific questions which I ask you to address.
You stated that your response to my email was delayed because "... (you were) having extensive discussions with our City Attorney, City Manager, Police Chief, who in turn has talked to Homeland Security. As much as (you) personally dislike any organization that promotes hate, every one of those (you) counseled with agreed that they, Al Awda, have first amendment rights that need to be protected." It is irresponsible at best to advocate that our first amendment is somehow designed to protect those who have declared war against us and our allies.
I would like to know if they are aware of the organization's stated purpose and and goals. Might they find cause to disallow the group access to taxpayer funded facilities for the purpose of organizing against the United States and our allies during a time when an attack on us is "imminent?" It seems that each of these public servants would be well advised to remember that the mass-murders at Fort Hood could be reasonably foreseen and were therefore preventable.
I would also like to draw your attention to the first paragraph of your response again where when referring to Al Awda you stated, "As much as I personally dislike any organization that promotes hate..." I appreciate that we are in agreement here that this organization promotes hate. We might also agree, with some investigation on your part, that this organization whether directly or through their chosen affiliations, promotes torture and murder: murder of citizens of the United States of America including those living in La Mesa. This intent has been clearly stated and documented and, as I mentioned, it is quite disturbing that the individuals you consulted with seem unaware of this fact especially when you mention Homeland Security who has informed our nation of an "imminent" coming attack.
Hate speech is not a "first amendment right that needs to be protected." In fact, small children can be expelled from their schools for hate speech - without intent.
You repeatedly mentioned Mr. Lee Kaplan in your response to me. I do not know Mr. Kaplan but was quite curious that you mentioned his appeal to you to cancel this hate group's upcoming training session "for his own personal reasons." When reading this, I wondered what personal reasons this man might have. Was his son one of the United States Marines murdered by Al Awda's known affiliate, Hezbollah, in Beirut in 1983? Or did you simply mean "personal reasons" believing it unusual that other Americans would disapprove of hate groups who promote terror against us?
You also mentioned that this Mr. Kaplan has "taken credit" for having this particular hate group expelled from San Diego State University but that you called the president's office and found they did not hold their conference there because of costs. I was shocked and saddened at your choice of words as they displayed not only your animosity toward this man but of the result to prevent this group from fueling hatred and murderous intent amongst our students in a school and taxpayer funded facility.
While much of your response to me was directed at the illusive Mr. Kaplan, I will greatly appreciate your focus on this writer.
You also wrote that "... the city has done an extensive investigation into our ability to refuse Al Awda, or anyone else we don't agree with..." I did not advocate your refusal to grant the use of our publicly funded facilities to "anyone we don't agree with." I specifically pleaded for your refusal to grant the use of our taxpayer funded facilities to a known hate group that is part of the International Solidarity Movement proven to be funders of the terrorist organizations known as Hamas and Hezbollah.
Further, you stated "It seems to me that if there is any disturbance, it will be caused by Mr. Kaplan..." whom, again, I do not know. This has caused further curiosity. Is this Mr. Kaplan a known enemy of the state? Has this Mr. Kaplan been found guilty of funding terror? Is this man a murderer of American Soldiers? Why is this man the target of your assaults in your response to me when I have directed your attention toward a group that promotes terror, murder and mass destruction?
Not stopping there you went on to show a disregard for this mother's appeal by stating, "... he (Kaplan) has either called the other council members or had some of his followers call and voice strong objection to Al Awda's use of our facility." It seems as if you have diminished my appeal by linking me to these "followers" as you call them. On the other hand, you have also notified me that there are others who have appealed to you in your capacity as Mayor to protect the citizens, our families and our community from known terror networks during a time when our country has been targeted for destruction. Did you respond to each of these other individuals by repeatedly attacking a third person and alleging that they were one group, worse than the hate/terror group they asked you to consider?
You wrote, "This is no different (than) if Mr. Kaplan wanted to rent the facility to promote his organization and Al Awda asked the council to cancel his request..." Be advised, it is very different. Unless of course, Al Awda was a peaceful organization that respected the right of people of the United States of America to exist and thereby the citizens of La Mesa, and this Mr. Kaplan was a known fund raising arm of multiple terrorist organizations who were known to have killed United States Marines and issued known threats against our country and our allies. See the difference?
In another insult to my plea you wrote that I may stand before the city council to voice my concerns "so that (I) or any of the others who he (Kaplan again) has contacted..." Again, I do not know Mr. Kaplan. Is it so unbelievable for you that a situation as grave as that discussed here might entice me to seek your help in keeping my children and myself safe? Remember, our federal government, at the highest levels, has advised us that we can expect an attack against us, from known terror groups, in the next six months!
You also wrote that this Mr. Kaplan (again) "... assured (you) that he would be here on the 13th and request(ed) police protection. (Your) response was that we could not provide it. One can not instigate civil unrest and then ask for protection." Wow, Mr. Madrid. Again, I am left to wonder who this Kaplan man is. Does this man pay taxes in these United States? Does he contribute to our police forces? Is he entitled to protection simply because he's a citizen?
Why choose to pervert the First Amendment by allowing terror groups to grow and flourish, on American soil, during a time of war but, refuse to protect the rights of citizens?
And, who exactly is instigating civil unrest?
Again, could the murders at Fort Hood have been prevented by coupling facts with common sense? And do you, Mayor Art Madrid, have certain knowledge that could prevent even one attack on one American at any time in the future?
Finally, no. You did not answer my questions. Today, my specific questions are outlined and numbered as follows:
1. Are there any publicly funded public service entities that have found ways to prevent Al Awda from using taxpayer subsidized facilities in La Mesa from using such venues to promote hate and terror against the United States of America and/or her allies?
2. Will there be any publicly funded public service entities present during Al Awda's presentation and the surrounding conference to monitor any promotion of hate and/or murder?
3. Will you or any members of the La Mesa City Council be present during the entirety or any portion of this event?
4. Is it possible for me to attend this conference?
5. Is it possible for any publicly funded public service entities to provide protection for myself and my children if we are near the La Mesa Community Center on the day of this "event?"
6. Will my first amendment rights be protected by publicly funded public service entities if I or my children are attacked by any person attending this hate seminar?
7. If you were provided with exact steps to be taken to prevent the advancement of terror through Al Awda's networks using La Mesa as a platform, and there would be no violations of law, would you use those steps to prevent this conference?
8. Do you personally believe that the murders at Fort Hood could have been prevented?
9. Are there any other organizations, known to be affiliated with known terror organizations currently scheduled to use any taxpayer funded or subsidized facilities in La Mesa at this time? And if so, what organizations, where and when?
10. At this time, Mr. Kaplan is an imaginary third person to me, do you have knowledge of this man hurting any Americans?
11. Assuming number 10 above reveals this man is not violent in any way, please advise me as to how I may contact this Mr. Kaplan.
Please direct your response to each question using the corresponding number above to ensure clarity.
Thank you,
Alicia and Rob, concerned citizens and parents
-----Original Message-----
From: Art Madrid []
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 8:58 PM
To: Rob and Alicia
Cc: David E. Witt
Subject: RE: Al Awda
Mrs. ----, I was not avoiding responding to your e-mail, I was having extensive discussions with our City Attorney, City Manager, Police Chief, who in turn has talked to Homeland Security. As much as I personally dislike any organization that promotes hate, every one of those we counseled with agreed that they, Al Awda, have first amendment rights that need to be protected.
This organization used our facility last year and I’m informed that there were no disturbances. Mr. Lee Kaplan has been insisting that I cancel their use of the community center for his own personal reasons. He has also taken credit and claimed he was responsible for “kicking them out” of two Universities, including San Diego State. I spoke with the President’s office at SDSU and they did not kick them out, they left because the fee structure quoted to them, by both universities, is more than they could afford.
Please be assured that the city has done an extensive investigation into our ability to refuse Al Awda, or anyone else we don’t agree with, the use our public facilities.
We can’t legally do so with out breaking the law.
It seems to me that if there is any disturbance, it will be caused by Mr. Kaplan who assured me that he was calling individuals in the city/region to come and picket the community center. To my know, he has either called the other council members or had some his followers call and voice strong objection to Al Awad’s use of our facility. He assured me that he would make sure that there would be a protest.
Every council member is aware of the Al Awda’s request to use the center. They also disagree with what this group stands, but acknowledges they are entitled to their 1st. Amendment rights. This is no different that if Mr. Kaplan wanted to rent the facility to promote his organization and Al Awda asked the council to cancel his request because they didn’t agree with his views.
I would encourage you to come to our council meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, and during public comments express your objection or views so that you or any of the others who he has contacted feel free to express your objection. I extended that same courtesy to Mr. Kaplan, and he was not sure if he could attend, but assured me that he would be here on the 13th and request police protection. My response was that we could not provide it. One can not instigate civil unrest and then ask for protection.
I hope this answers your questions. I will also be making copies of this e mail to all council members and appropriate department heads.
Art Madrid
From: Rob and Alicia
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 3:36 PM
To: Art Madrid
Subject: RE: Al Awda
Mayor Madrid,
I have had no response to my email below nor any response to my phone message left for you. Your lack of response leads me to believe that you support the La Mesa Community Center being used by the terrorist group Al Awda. Al Awda is a Palestinian group that is part of the International Solidarity Movement that was recently proven to be funding the terrorist organization, Hamas. In addition, Al Awda supports Hezbollah a group responsible for killing 241 US Marines in Beirut in 1983. They also supported Sadaam Hussein and they support Iran against the United States. Our elected officials have a solemn responsibility to protect citizens and that protection STARTS HERE AT HOME. By my email and phone message, you are personally aware of the intent of a known terrorist support network to enter our city and speak to our citizens. We, the people are watching like never before and you will be held personally accountable for your decisions. A mistake here, will NOT be tolerated.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob and Alicia
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 10:06 AM
To: ''
Subject: Al Awda
Importance: High
As a business owner in La Mesa, I object to a taxpayer-supported facility being used by a propaganda and funding arm of Hamas and Hezbollah. I will show up and protest if it should be used for this planning and strategy session against the Jews as will hundreds of my fellow Americans.
Please cancel this event and do not allow the fine city of La Mesa to be tainted by this hate group.
Alicia M.
Let's hope the city of La Mesa tosses Madrid in the next election.
And for the record, the Al Awda leadership verbally acknowledged at the conference they were kicked out of SDSU because of me, Lee Kaplan. For reasons of saving face, SDSU gave other excuses. However, they, like Madrid, know the real reasons. I explained this to Madrid in one of our phone conversations, so his replies in the above emails are disingenuous. Keep coming back here for my full report.
Monday, February 8, 2010
According to La Mesa Mayor Art Madrid, an ex-marine, the city of La Mesa is going to allow the Al Awda Conference to take place this Saturday. This means protestors should be out in force on February 13th a La Mesa Community Center and others should go in and document what Al Awda is doing. There is no difference between this event and one in whcih the Klan made arrangments to discriminate against and support violence against African-Americans. It should be noted that Mayor Madrid said he would even allow the Klan to hold such a meeting in his taxpayer-supported facility.
If you ever wonder why the Middle East conflict is unending, it's because of thugs like in Al Awda who perpetuate the end of Israel as the only solution. Jess Ghannam thinks he's a revolutionary and "by any means necessary." I encourage people who wish to protest this to go inside and dispute false information. And remember, they not only are raising money for Hamas, but they support the Taliban and Hizbalah who ahve killed American soldiers. Let's get a good turnout to oppose this. The WIMPS OF THE YEAR AWARD go to the city staff of La Mesa, Ca. Nearby marines at Camp Pendleton take note of this also. There will be many groups coming from as far away as LA, PAsadena and Arizona to protest this event. Please join us.
La Mesa Community Center
4975 Memorial Drive Feb 13 Sat 9:30am-6pm
La Mesa, CA 91942-9308
(619) 667-1307
If you ever wonder why the Middle East conflict is unending, it's because of thugs like in Al Awda who perpetuate the end of Israel as the only solution. Jess Ghannam thinks he's a revolutionary and "by any means necessary." I encourage people who wish to protest this to go inside and dispute false information. And remember, they not only are raising money for Hamas, but they support the Taliban and Hizbalah who ahve killed American soldiers. Let's get a good turnout to oppose this. The WIMPS OF THE YEAR AWARD go to the city staff of La Mesa, Ca. Nearby marines at Camp Pendleton take note of this also. There will be many groups coming from as far away as LA, PAsadena and Arizona to protest this event. Please join us.
La Mesa Community Center
4975 Memorial Drive Feb 13 Sat 9:30am-6pm
La Mesa, CA 91942-9308
(619) 667-1307
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Now that we managed to alert the administration at SDSU of how Al Awda San Diego is a terrorism and funding support group so they canceled the event there, Al Awda still is scheduled to hold this obnoxious event at the La Mesa Community Center in La Mesa, California. People are stil needed to come and protest this event and loudly. Below are just a few samples of Al Awda's practices found on the Web only this morning:
Ahmed Yasin was the founder of Hamas and ordered the murders of 377 people among whom there were 38 Amrican citizens. He was killed by the Israel Defense Forces. Al Awda San Diego condemned his being killed. This is archived on their website:
Students for Justice in Palestine at San Diego State U (listed as sponsors of the event in San Diego) has a photo of Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled on their facebook page. She is living in Syria at this time. Go here: You can see the photo of her

SJP San Diego State is sponsor of the Al Awda event at La Mesa Center. See 6th entry down:
Go down three more entries next and see fund raising for Viva Palestina and George Galloway by the same sponsoring group of Al Awda and SJP SDU. I provided proof in an earlier blog entry below that Galloway and Al Awda brought money to Hamas with Viva Palestina last week not as humanitarian aid but as aid to the Hamas terror infrastructure.!/event.php?eid=96201905705&ref=share
Raising money for terrorist fronts like PCRF:
Al Awda lists PCRF (Palestine Childrens Relief Fund) as one of its affiliates and for whom they will raise money at the event in La Mesa (according to their websites):
The list can go on and on. This event is a fund raising event for terrorism and a planning session on how to attack Jews. They may have some Jewish radicals fronting for them, but they do not belong in a taxpayer-supported faciltiy in your town.
More on Al Awda San Diego:
The list goes on and on...
Still more on the Al Awda idol Ahmed Yassin:
On Yasin:
Here is more about the Hamas's Charter that Al Awda supports:
One of the most ominous aspects of the Charter however, is this Hadith:
Moreover, if the links have been distant from each other and if
obstacles, placed by those who are the lackeys of Zionism in the way
of the fighters obstructed the continuation of the struggle, the
Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's
promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah
bless him and grant him salvation, has said:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight
the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind
stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O
Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the
Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees
of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).
The implication is clear: Allah promised that the Jews will be murdered, and the Hamas "aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take." This is what they mean by "The Return." They parade a few radicals of marginal Jewish ancestry among them as proof they are not anti-Semitic, but those individuals are usually more radically anti-Semitic than non-Jewish anti-Semites.
Abe Greenhouse is one of them and may be at the event.
Please come and protest this event in front of the La Mesa Community Center on February 13th from 9am to 6pm. Bring signs. In the meanwhile, while there's still time, email Mayor Madrid and demand he cancel the event and why: Here's the address for the event:
La Mesa Community Center
4975 Memorial Drive,
La Mesa, CA 91942
Ahmed Yasin was the founder of Hamas and ordered the murders of 377 people among whom there were 38 Amrican citizens. He was killed by the Israel Defense Forces. Al Awda San Diego condemned his being killed. This is archived on their website:
Students for Justice in Palestine at San Diego State U (listed as sponsors of the event in San Diego) has a photo of Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled on their facebook page. She is living in Syria at this time. Go here: You can see the photo of her

SJP San Diego State is sponsor of the Al Awda event at La Mesa Center. See 6th entry down:
Go down three more entries next and see fund raising for Viva Palestina and George Galloway by the same sponsoring group of Al Awda and SJP SDU. I provided proof in an earlier blog entry below that Galloway and Al Awda brought money to Hamas with Viva Palestina last week not as humanitarian aid but as aid to the Hamas terror infrastructure.!/event.php?eid=96201905705&ref=share
Raising money for terrorist fronts like PCRF:
Al Awda lists PCRF (Palestine Childrens Relief Fund) as one of its affiliates and for whom they will raise money at the event in La Mesa (according to their websites):
The list can go on and on. This event is a fund raising event for terrorism and a planning session on how to attack Jews. They may have some Jewish radicals fronting for them, but they do not belong in a taxpayer-supported faciltiy in your town.
More on Al Awda San Diego:
The list goes on and on...
Still more on the Al Awda idol Ahmed Yassin:
On Yasin:
Here is more about the Hamas's Charter that Al Awda supports:
One of the most ominous aspects of the Charter however, is this Hadith
Moreover, if the links have been distant from each other and if
obstacles, placed by those who are the lackeys of Zionism in the way
of the fighters obstructed the continuation of the struggle, the
Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's
promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah
bless him and grant him salvation, has said:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight
the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind
stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O
Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the
Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees
of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).
The implication is clear: Allah promised that the Jews will be murdered, and the Hamas "aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take." This is what they mean by "The Return." They parade a few radicals of marginal Jewish ancestry among them as proof they are not anti-Semitic, but those individuals are usually more radically anti-Semitic than non-Jewish anti-Semites.
Abe Greenhouse is one of them and may be at the event.
Please come and protest this event in front of the La Mesa Community Center on February 13th from 9am to 6pm. Bring signs. In the meanwhile, while there's still time, email Mayor Madrid and demand he cancel the event and why: Here's the address for the event:
La Mesa Community Center
4975 Memorial Drive,
La Mesa, CA 91942
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