Tuesday, October 26, 2010


You can view the interview outside the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem
that I had on Sunday here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9b32l9JmeA . There
were two other interviews on Israeli TV that should appear shortly. The main message
is the need for Israel to finally prosecute and punish at least the Israeli traitors
in the ISM who help to injure Israeli soldiers and border police. There is also a message for President Obama: Stop aiding the flotillas then blaming Israel for protecting itself.

One error on the A7 interview, my foundation is DAFKA.org not davka.org. I understand they are correcting this error. If you are Israeli and reading this,
be sure to write the PM's office as well as members of the Knesset to start prosecuting Huwaida Arraf the next time she brings another flotilla of radicals
to aid Hamas. She belongs in jail as does Paul LaRudee in the United States.

The wheels of justice grind slowly, but ultimately the ISM's leadership will find themselves in jail.

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