In addition, readers can listen to me most Thursdays on the Jim Kirkwood Show out of K-Talk radio 560 am in Utah from 7-8 pm P.S.T. where I discuss the latest news. See below:
My most recent articles published just last week:
On Jewish Voice for Peace: Beware of communist and pro-Arab wolves seeking donations in Jewish sheep's clothing. Lee Kaplan exposes the Arab front group, its history and backers, go to:
Trading U.S. Security for a Palestinian state. After 20 years, the Palestinians have shown they cannot and should not have a state of their own:
Professor Amiel Vardi at Hebrew U. continues to shill for the Arab irredentists:
Professor Manzar Foroohar tries to insinuate herself into the California Faculty Association's Academic Senate to assure propaganda against Israel and anti-Semitism remain part of the curriculum in California colleges:
For some more background on Foroohar:
Palestinians refuse admittance to West Bank and Gaza to fellow Palestinians trying to flee killings in Syria proves the real goal is destroying Israel and killing the Jews
Palestinians refuse admittance to West Bank and Gaza to fellow Palestinians trying to flee killings in Syria proves the real goal is destroying Israel and killing the Jews
More soon....
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