Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Lee Kaplan will be on the Tovia Singer Show tonight as a new spokesman for www.israel-academia-monitor.com. Please tune into the show at www.toviasingershow.com. Broadcast time is 9:15 pm California time, or the show will be archived all week long on Israel National News radio at www.israelnationalnews.com. Tune in for this important show.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


UC Berkeley sinks to a new low: Leila Khaled
By Lee Kaplan

A day after Nonie Darwish spoke amidst constant interruptions and jeers at UC Berkeley about the subjugation of women in the Arab-Muslim world for the start of Islamo-fascism Awareness Week, another event was presented on the San Francicsco Bay Area campus the very next day that received no critical attention from the mainstream media.

The following announcement was put out with the cooperation of the University of California, a taxpayer-supported state institution:

Women, Resistance, and Political Participation
Film Screening of Leila Khaled: Hijacker and Panel Discussion
Tuesday, October 23, 7pm
10 Evens Hall, UC Berkeley

Sunbula: Arab Feminists for Change invites you to a film screening of Leila Khaled: Hijacker by Lina Makboul. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion of women, resistance, and political participation in the context of liberation struggles. The panel will include Professor Nada Elia, Katrina Socco, Bay Area Coordinator of the Gabriela Network and Lena Meari. Sunbula is a Bay Area grassroots organization of radical Arab feminists working for equality, social change and gender justice. Affirming the diverse experiences of Arab and Arab-American women, the members of Sunbula seek to dismantle all forms of oppression by promoting awareness of women's issues. Visit www.sunbulawomen.org.

Co-presented with Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of California,
Berkeley, and the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC).

Who is Leila Khaled?

In September, 1970, Leila Khaled, a member of the “Che Guevara Commando Unit” of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine took part in hijacking four commercial airliners over Europe (ever wonder where Osama bin Laden may have gotten his ideas for planning multiple airline hijackings on 9/11?).

Khaled had actually been involved in another hijacking just a year earlier of an airplane on a flight from Rome to Athens that was supposed to have then Israeli Ambassador to the US Yitzhak Rabin on board, but when it was learned the future Israeli Prime Minister was not on the aircraft, it was flown to Damascus and blown up while Khaled was allowed to go free. Only a year later she would repeat her tactics.

Already dubbed the “first woman terrorist hijacker,” Khaled and her team then hijacked a TWA Boeing 747 from Frankfurt that was bound for New York, a Swissair Douglas DC-8 departing from Zurich, a Pan Am Boeing 747, and an El Al Boeing 707 all at the same time. Khaled was on board and in charge of the El Al flight hijacking that just left Amsterdam when an Israeli security agent shot and killed her American co-hijacker, Patrick Arguello, and retook control of the airplane. Kahled, who was armed with pistols and a hand grenade, was also wounded. The plane was forced to land at Heathrow Airport where Khaled was arrested by British authorities. As she was taken off the airplane on a stretcher she screamed, “Palestine! Palestine!”

The PFLP sent an ultimatum to the United Kingdom, West Germany and Switzerland to release all Palestinian and Baader-Meinhoff gang prisoners held for terrorism in Europe. 251 men, women and children, many of them Americans, were then held hostage in Amman by the PFLP. After six days, the PFLP got a notice that the terrorists were released, including Khaled, but in despite of that, the passengers still remaining on the aircraft were evacuated to Amman and the 3 aircraft were blown up. Fortunately, none of the passengers died.

Khaled has been a revolutionary superstar amongst the Palestinians and communist revolutionaries ever since then. She allegedly is under “house arrest” in Jordan, but speaks frequently in support of terrorist activities and is still a member of the Palestine National Council.

The organizers of the event at UC Berkeley, Sunbula, a.k.a. Arab Feminists for Change, list as their mission statement that it is an “organization of radical Arab feminists working for equality, social change and gender justice. Affirming the diverse experiences of Arab and Arab-American women, the members of Sunbula seek to dismantle all forms of oppression by promoting awareness of women's issues.” The film and panel event about Khaled on the Cal campus was not to condemn what she did in any way, but to laud it as an achievement by an Arab woman who could show she could be just as much a terrorist as any man.

The key panelist was Nada Elia, a member of the (National Women’s Studies Association) and professor at Antioch University in Washington State. She is co-founder of RAWAN (the Radical Arab Women’s Activist Network) and did her undergraduate work at Beirut University College, then earned her M.A. at the American University of Beirut and a Ph.D in Comparative Literature at Purdue. RAWAN claims it is a “peace” group but calls for the eradication of Israel “from the river to the sea” and declares American military actions after the attacks on 9/11 as without justification.

One of her co-panelists is Katrina Socco of the Gabriela Network (Grabnet) , a Marixst Filipina organization that affiliates with International Answer and United For Peace and Justice (US Communist Party). Some of Grabnet’s members are on a terrorism watch list used by the Phillipine government for potential links to al Qaeda (The Phillipines are currently battling Abu Sayyaf, a wing of al Qaeda and Grabnet calls for the withdrawal of US forces in the Phillipines fighting Abu Sayyaf). Lean Meari, an anthropology PhD candidate from UC Davis who writes about suppression of Palestinian women, rounds out the panel. All three panelists only support women’s rights in terms of how they can be applied to making revolution.

Students of history know that The Muslim Brotherhood that metastasized into al Qaeda began on the University campuses of Egypt and the Middle East. Hamas , the Muslim Brotherhood in the Holy Land, grew on the university and college campuses built by the Israelis for the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza. Now California taxpayers are funding an event and allowing space to what is in fact an ally of al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist groups at one of our major universities.

For UC Berkeley to have hosted an event praising a terrorist because she is an example of the capabilities of any woman to “make revolution” every bit as good as a man is disgraceful. The Khaled event needs to be seen for what it was: little more than a propaganda screed in praise of “resistance” and in support of terrorism against America, Israel and the West. At the same time, the Cal administration giving a pass to the disruption and threats against another Arab woman, Nonie Darwish, who spoke out against persecution of Arab women in the Middle East and against terrorism should give the California taxpayers pause as to where their tax dollars are going in what is supposed to be support of higher education.

Friday, October 19, 2007


For Tel Aviv University law professor Neta Ziv, it’s all “academic” (even if it kills Jews and destroys Israel).
By Lee Kaplan

“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”—William Shakespeare, King Henry VI

According to her Curriculum Vitae, Neta Ziv is the director of The Cegla Clinical Law Programs at the University of Tel Aviv Law School. She is the academic supervisor of the Human Rights Clinic and teaches courses on Legal Ethics and the Legal Profession, Law and Social Change and Rights of People with Disabilities. Dr. Ziv received her LL.B. from the Hebrew University Law Faculty in 1983, and her LL.M. from The American University in Washington, DC in 1986. Dr. Ziv practiced as a public interest lawyer for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel between 1986-1996, and served as a leading attorney in some of Israel’s major human rights cases litigated before the Israeli Supreme Court. She continued her studies at Stanford Law School and received her J.S.D. in 2001. Dr. Ziv was among the founding members of the Israel Women’s Network Legal Center, the chair of Bizchut - The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities, and currently serves as a board member of "Itach - Women Lawyers for Social Justice". Dr. Ziv is a board member and Vice President of The New Israel Fund.

The last sentence of the above academic biography of Neta Ziv is very telling. The New Israel Fund is thought of by many American Jews as just another philanthropic organization to aid Israel. It is, in fact, an organization run by leftist Jews inspired by far-left American ideas. Few people, particularly American Jews, know how the New Israel Fund, working closely with another group, The Shefa Fund, has financed another leftist group that passed out flyers at Israeli train stations urging soldiers in the IDF to desert and promising them wages higher than their army wages while they sit in jail (Israel does not really pay salaries to its conscripts). As a board member of NIF, Professor Niv no doubt knew about this and condones it.

Professor Ziv is the embodiment of how the abstractions of academia can ultimately lead to the opposite of what the academy was meant to do: to enhance society through the application of scholastic study and scientific inquiry to arrive at truth. This is clearly present in her applications of American jurisprudence to Israel’s situation as a tiny democratic country surrounded by a sea of Arab nationalist and Islamic dictatorships calling for the state’s destruction. Ziv defines her activities as preserving human rights; others might define them as enabling the enemies of Israel to destroy the Jewish state. As an educator, she promotes developing what could be considered “cause lawyers” who use the courts to promote a radical agenda against the state in time of war.

To understand where Professor Ziv is coming from, it is important to understand how American law has molded a new generation of “activists” within Israel who claim to be promoting “social justice” (Why is it every totalitarian revolutionary movement likes to claim it is seeking “social justice”?). In reality, such activities only serve to embolden and strengthen Israel’s enemies. Whereas in America, one can throw a stone and almost count on hitting a lawyer because of that nation’s status as a superpower and peaceful civil society (at least before 9/11), Israel’s situation is considerably different.

Constitutional Law has always in particular played an almost constant role in the American quotidian. It is only recently though that the constant effects of law in American society has turned academic inquiry into another form of propaganda and even subversion to be used against the very democratic society that created it. In America, one can use law to promote a political agenda against the state. That is the role of “cause lawyers.”

For example, organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union that Ziv uses as a guide or ally to educate her law students in promoting her educational agenda are, in fact, not as interested in preserving human rights (although they claim to be) as in promoting a radical socialist political agenda that usually calls for Israel’s destruction. The ACLU was set up in the 1920’s as a pro-communist front group. Today, the ACLU has many lawyers who toe a party line against Israel. A case in point would be of a Coptic Christian who lost his job teaching courses about terrorism and Arabic language because Muslim extremists on his campus did not like what he taught. The man lost his job despite a contract and was not even paid. Whereas the local ACLU office (with a Jewish manager) agreed he had an excellent case, the Washington national headquarters nixed representing him when approval was sought from executives with Arab and radical leftist backgrounds. The Constitution did not apply to a Copt who taught about Arab Muslim terrorist groups.

A similar situation exists with the Center for Constitutional Rights in Washington, DC. Whereas one would expect an organization in the US Capitol with such a name to concern itself with the rights of Americans under the US Constitution, the CCR devoted a good deal of its time and efforts to trying to get Ariel Sharon tried for war crimes in the Hague or freeing the terrorist POWs in Guantanamo. What fewer people know is the CCR gets funding from the UAE where the finances for the 9/11 attacks came from. The UAE no doubt couldn’t care less about the US Constitution as much as rescuing the serial killers from the umma who were captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan while engaging in Holy Jihad.

Professor Ziv works with a program set up to train Israeli law students in “human rights” and social engineering activist tactics as an outcome of practicing law. Israeli law students are given an opportunity to clerk with American judges to learn the ropes. And rubbing elbows with mindsets like those described above to preserve “social justice,” as perverted as it may be, is the norm. But “Social justice” is what Neta Ziv says it is.

Not a bad thing, you might say? All points of view should be recognized in a democratic society? Well, maybe in a country like America with friendly neighbors on its borders and not in a perpetual state of war for 60 years with Arab irredentists. But Israel’s situation is different. If Professor Ziv applied her ideals equally to require that the Palestinian Authority, under license from the Israeli government to create a new state, not be ruled by Sharia Law, or that women be granted equal rights there as in Israel, one might consider her merely an idealist with strict principals. Unfortunately, those principals only apply to aiding those who would use the legal system as just another weapon to destroy the Jewish state and set up another Arab-Muslim dictatorship, but who try to maintain the image of American jurisprudence while doing so. Call it the “O.J. Simpson defense” for Arab terrorism against the Jews; where the bomb belt fails, a well-placed lawyer might do just as nicely, and the Arabs just love it!

A case in point is Noura Erekat, the niece of Saab Erekat and a recent law school graduate in the US, who is now also an aide to congressman Dennis Kucinich. Her involvement in the NGO, Protection of Human Rights (LAW), has been to promote the anti-Semitism witnessed at the Durban Conference against Israel as well as getting Israel’s leadership indicted for war crimes in the Hague while Arab terrorism goes unmentioned. She claims she is for a two state solution on television and practices some of her law/activism within Israel and the Holy Land. Yet in private, she calls for using the law to destroy Israel. Not long ago she refused on Bill O’Reilly’s show to condemn an al Qaeda call to murder all the Jews in the world, or condemn Hizballah. Israelis also know well the Gaby Laskys and Felicia Langers who never met a killer of Jews they didn’t want to defend on behalf of Israel’s communist party, and, as such, Professor Ziv assures that newer generations of Israeli lawyers will think in a similar vein as Lasky and Langer.

Professor Ziv is known for her advocacy within the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) that is funded by the New Israel Fund. While ACRI’s self-description on their website describes the organization as “Israel's leading human and civil rights organization and the only organization dealing with the entire spectrum of rights and liberties issues…” that “…has led the fight to protect and promote rights in Israel and the territories under its control through litigation, legal advocacy, education, and public outreach efforts. ACRI promotes a concept of civil and human rights as an integral part of democratic community building and as a unifying force in Israeli public life.”

What that description does not say is how Neta Ziv seems to feel human and civil rights do not apply to Jewish Israelis, only to Arabs, and particularly those ones with a desire to dispossess the Jews in Israel of the same property rights they like to constantly claim they are denied. To Neta Ziv, Jewish Israelis are the majority “oppressing” the Arab minority (there’s that old “social justice” mantra again). While it’s true there are more Jews in Israel behind the green line and in the territories than Arabs, the entire Arab and Muslim world that calls for the end of Israel’s existence numbers 250 million to Israel’s 4 million Jews. A case in point is the legal precedent set in the case of an Israeli Arab named Qa’ adan who wanted to reside in a community set aside by the Jewish agency for the settlement of Jews in Israel that was handled by Professor Niv’s cronies in the ACRI. It was argued that Qa’adan, an Israeli Arab citizen, was denied equal rights because he wanted a home in an exclusive Jewish community that was set aside for Jewish settlement. ACRI and its intellectual acolytes in the judiciary ruled that Qa’adan had the right to live there too. Whereas some would call the establishment of a neighborhood for Jews in a region where Jews have been murdered for two millennia might be considered Jewish “affirmative action” (social justice types in America love “affirmative action”), Professor Ziv considers it a denial of human and equal rights. Money talks when it comes to leasing land in Israel, so why didn’t Qa’adan ask some of his Arab oil brothers to do some affirmative action for him and other Israeli Arabs by providing enough money to buy property? After all, they spend untold amounts of money to pay for weapons to kill Jews.

For Ziv, such a lawsuit no doubt creates the image at American universities that she visits that she is on a par with civil rights attorneys who broke down Jim Crow laws in America (it’s a great image to land speaking gigs, sell books and get invited to swanky faculty soirees). However, there is a difference. Private communities in Israel have the right to reject people they do not want, be they Jew or Arab. The Arab village of Um El Fahem inside Israel has no Jewish residents also and the city government openly supports Hamas. Jews do not live there because after dark they would be killed. Professor Ziv saw no need to sue the Municipality of Um El Fahem to provide security protection for Jews to live there on an equal basis. Nor did she sue to stop the practice of certain private communities in Israel having the right to reject anyone they feel they do not want as part of that community if they so desire. That right is still in tact for the Arabs of Um El Fahem who claim Israeli Arabs are discriminated against, yet also know that if Jews did move into their community they could hire an attorney to sue the state that Jews were “occupying” their land (if murdering a few did not snip the problem in the bud).

Then again, why should they when there are enough Jews like Neta Ziv to attack the state through the courts and thus deny Jewish communities the right to become Jewish havens for the persecuted of the Diaspora and maintain the Jewish character of the state?

At the same time, Professor Ziv sees no problems with affirmative action programs in Israel that give preference at all the universities to Arab-Israelis over Jewish Israelis, even veterans from the IDF. Professor Ziv and her legal eagles for social engineering also consider themselves serving human needs by suing on behalf of Arabs in the territories, yet say nothing about the official policy of the Palestinian Authority making it a death sentence for an Arab to sell land to a Jew, and they are perfectly willing to ignore honor killings while badgering the Israeli government at full tilt over Jewish communities there, some like Kfar Etzion that were rebuilt in 1967 , after being wiped out by the Arabs in 1948. Most of the Jewish community there was murdered in an open pit (even after the Armistice was done). One might equate that return with the American Indians getting back their land from the US government, but Neta Ziv prefers to concentrate on what sells on American campuses and radical leftist circles inside Israel where her consumer base is (even if that base is ignorant of facts on the ground, since it’s all “academic”. College professors learn “what sells,” the same as other businessmen, and Arab petrodollars are buying a lot of propaganda against Israel on US campuses these days).
Most galling is how the ACRI works in cooperation with its Palestinian Arab counterpart, Adalah, that claims it, too, works for human and equal rights. One problem, though: while ACRI works against Israel’s tiny state even in the territories to help irredentist Arabs in their goals, Adalah doesn’t give a fig about equal rights for Jews in the territories or inside Israel itself. To Adalah, only Arabs have human and civil rights and Jews are there to only be accused of violating the rights of those Arabs. One of Adalah’s main functions is to provide free legal aid in Israeli courts for some of the worst mass murderers of Israeli Jews, including serial killer Marwan Barghouti. Arab terrorists are never representative of an oppressive majority to the Neta Ziv types against the Jews, but always are deserving of the best legal protection no matter how many Jewish women or children they murder.

And after all, why not? Neta Ziv sits in a safe office at the University of Tel Aviv many miles away in Sderot, hundreds of Kassem rockets fall on the heads of other people’s children. No doubt her academic way of seeing human rights as a one way street for the enemies of Jews in Israel makes her feel as judicially superior as the similarly safely nested jurists across the sea in the United States.
But what a pity for other Israelis who miss all the fun of being an intellectual and a lawyer like Neta Ziv, who can absorb and carry out such abstract legal thinking without paying the consequences with her own life.

In the future, more articles will be found here pointing out these individuals when they are on US campuses.

The above article can be found with hyperlinks to footnotes and additional information at www.dafka.org and www.israel-academia-monitor.com .

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Fermi declares
low-level emergency

By: Charles Slat Monroe News, Michigan story updated October 11. 2007 8:32PM

DTE finds holes drilled in Fermi safety system line.

DTE Energy declared a low-level emergency at its idled Fermi 2 nuclear plant Thursday after finding small holes that apparently were drilled into a steam line associated with a safety relief valve at the base of the reactor.
Plant officials said they don’t know how many holes exist, how they got there or whether they existed while the plant was operating.

The plant has been shut down for maintenance and refueling and the damage was discovered during routine inspections of the plant’s drywell, part of the system designed to contain radioactive steam and pressure during a rapid shutdown or accident at the plant.

After discovering the series of quarter-inch holes, the utility halted work in that area of the reactor and evacuated personnel so it could investigate the find.
"We don’t know why the holes were drilled in that location," said John J. Austerberry, a DTE spokesman.

"To facilitate a thorough inspection, we cleared all non-essential personnel from the drywell," he said.

He said it wasn’t clear whether the holes resulted from an error or might have been deliberate.

"We are conducting a vigorous and thorough investigation," he said. He said the holes were discovered during an equipment inspection designed to detect any abnormalities.

The utility declared an "unusual event," the lowest of four federal emergency classifications at nuclear plants, and notified federal, state and local officials of the discovery.

Mr. Austerberry said it was uncertain when the investigation would be completed.
He did not know if the discovery might somehow be related to a leaking valve that was discovered on a feedwater check line in the plant on Sunday. That also was reported to the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission because it could have affected safety systems if the plant was operating.
Fermi 2, an 1,100-megwatt boiling water reactor that began operating in 1988, was shut down about two weeks ago for a refueling and maintenance outage that is expected to take little more than a month.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I've written for the last four years that Jewish Voice for Peace is an Arab front group established to convince American Jews that they can still be good Jews but
advocate the destruction of the Jewish state. In the past, the JVOP newsletter has written that it is doubtful Jews ever lived in the Holy Land at all, and that the First Temple and Exodus from Egypt were myths. Also, claims that Jews in Israel are really descendents of Khazarians from southern Georgia in Russia were mentioned. These were some of the gems allegedly written by Mitchell Plitnick, the former head of the JVOP.

As the result of an audit of JVOP, Plitnick was downgraded from his position as head of JVOP and a new leader was brought in from the radical anti-Israel leftist front in Israel. Cecilie Surasky, Plitnick's replacement as mouthpiece for the JVOP started a blog titled Muzzlewatch, where she tried to present the image that Jews
who were less-than-supportive of Israel were being stifled in their freedom of speech.

Now new information comes out about Cecile Surasky. In 2004, Ms. Surasky wrote an editorial for the Al Awda-linked website Electronic Intifada, run by the former
webmaster for Bir Zeit University (stronghold for Hamas recruitment) named Nigel Parry.

Parry has accused me of fabricating half of what I write and insists that Al Awda has absolutely nothing to do with Electronic Intifada and vice versa. I have uncovered enough evidence and proof that it does, since two of the co-founders of Electronic Intifada, Arjan El-Fassed and Ali Abunimah are respectively a co-founder of Al Awda and leader of Al Awda. The source of this information?

Nigel Parry himself.

What is significant about Al Awda's links to Electronic Intifada and Cecilie Suransky of Jewish Vocie for Peace? Well, for one thing I've proven that Al Awda, besides being highly anti-Semitic and advocating for the total annihilation of Israel
also is allied with the American Nazi Party. It was this revelation that got the international Al Awda conference kicked off the UC Riverside campus about six months ago by me. Cecilie Surasky in 2004 did not just have a letter to the editor published on the Electronic Intifada website, she wrote an editorial, that is an official poistion for the website Electronic Intifada, part of the Al Awda/US Nazi Party collaboration against Israel and, by extension, all Jews.

We'll have a more detailed breakdown of all of this on my websites at StoptheISM.com
and DAFKA.org very soon. Bill Levinson, an expert researcher at Stop the ISM will also have the story on the Israpundit.com weblog soon too.

Ms. Surasky, you have been outted, not as a "Jew of conscience" against Israel, but as a shill for the anti-Semites and pro-Nazis in Al Awda and at Electronic Intifada.

Who do you think will probably replace you next at Jewish Voice for Peace?

Monday, October 1, 2007


ALI OMAR is a Fatah al-Islam terrorist currently attending the Fletcher Graduate School of International Studies at Tufts University in New England where he is majoring in Security Studies. The question is: WHY???? Does the FBI and State Department have no awareness of who this man is? Omar is a Captain in the Palestinian Security Services learning US security procedures at an American university when most of the Palestinian Security Services members are part of the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade, an FTO (Foreign Terrorist Group) per the US State Department. Omar is obviously getting a waiver to attend college here and learn our security procedures. The hacks in the US State Department no doubt think that if they teach a Palestinian Security Services captain our security procedures, he will use his knowledge to stop Palestinian terrorists from killing Israelis and Americans. But nothing could be further from the truth. Fatah al-Islam was recently in running gun battles with the Lebanese Army due to their support for and links with al Qaeda.

I first met Ali Omar at Georgetown's national Palestine Solidarity Movement conference (ISM) in 2005 where he was supervising the recruitment of human shields
by Huwaida Arraf from the back of the room to aid Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PFLP, even more FTOs. You have to hand it to Arabists in the US State Department: teaching terrorist supporters our security procedures to fight terrorism is a novel idea. The question is how many people will die down the pike as a result of this idiocy? Check out the StoptheISM.com website for more details soon.